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after me and James got off stage we all decided to go to the mall to kill some time.

but it's been four hours now, and we only have less than an hour until Michelle goes on stage, and we can't find her anywhere.

everyone had been looking around for half an hour but she's not here. "em, call her again." i said to her and she called Michelle but there was no answer.

"can we just go one week, one week, without losing a team member." Kate said nervously.

"i'll go back to the mall and i'll look for her." Chloe said.

"turn your phone on." i said to her and then she left in a hurry. "Ri, what about your dance?" i asked her.

"yeah, yeah, i'll go work on it." Riley replied.

"i'll come with you." i told her and we rushed backstage to get at least 20 minutes of practice.

Riley got into my duet costume, but it barely fit her. this is not as nearly as good as Michelle's solo, and i'm so scared for us.

but i'm putting my A game face because Riley is even more nervous than i am.

"i can't do it." she said nervously.

"yes you can." i replied.

"no, i really can't. izzy, my duet is not nearly as good."

"it doesn't matter." i put my hands on her shoulders. "Ri, the team is counting on you. you have to do your best. do not stress. i believe in you."

she smiled and then hugged me.

it was now Amanda's turn to go dance and i started to be even more stressed. Riley is an amazing dancer, but she is not prepared at all, and we're gonna be out of the competition.

"did you see that?" Riley asked me and Emily.

"it doesn't matter." Emily said to her.

"Ri, don't even look." i told her.

"i'm going to throw up." Riley said nervously.

"you're gonna be fine." i said to her, trying to convince myself too.

Amanda got off stage, and Michelle is still not here.

"riley, you have to remember to breath. just breath." Emily told her sister, trying to calm her down.

"okay, here we go." Riley looked like she is about to faint.

she took one step before i saw Chloe and Michelle running to us. "they're here! Michelle is here!" i yelled and at the same time catching Riley who fell back in relief.

Michelle did her makeup, hair and put on her costume in less than five minutes, and i've never been more happy to see her.

she went on stage and started dancing.

we can tell she's angry because of what happened, and because it happened, she's killing it.

Michelle is one of the best dancers i've ever seen in my life. she is so fierce and tense, and it's the best performance i've ever seen her perform.

the crowd is loving her and she pulled her best tricks, which made the dance so good.

Michelle finished dancing, and Amanda walked on stage next to her.

"and the winner of female solo, moving onto the semifinals is... The Next Step!" i screamed in excitement and hugged Riley next to me.

we finally get to dance as a team on this amazing stage. i am so excited. and i'm so happy we kicked Elite out. we deserve it. i'm so happy.

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