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right now we're all in Studio A, dancing for the first time as the complete team of Internationals.

we're just having fun, messing around, and our team never felt more complete and comfortable.

the boys were messing around and as the music faded out i saw a familiar face walking towards us and i shushed all of the boys.

"well, now that i'm here, which one of you is leaving?" the girl said with a british accent.

we've gone quiet and were so confused.

"is it you?" she pointed at Riley. "you look like you need a holiday."

"what?" Riley said offended.

"who's the new girl?" West asked.

"the new girl is Ella. nice to meet you." she said looking at me.

oh my god.

Kate walked in. "ella here is part of the exchange program at Internationals." she explained and everyone finally realized what was going on.

"she's from a dance studio in England." Kate said proudly.

"sure she is." i said under my breath and James looked at me in confusion.

"none of you have actually answered my question." Ella said. "which one of you is leaving for the exchange for internationals?" she asked again.

"one of you is going to Sweden." Kate said. "you'll be back in time for internationals, though."

"miss kate, who's leaving?" Tahlia asked what we were all wondering.

"i have chosen Amanda."

"me?" Amanda asked surprised.

we all clapped for her but she looked confused and i wasn't sure what was happening.

i've been to Sweden. it's so nice.

everyone went to their separate ways but i went up to Ella. "hi!" she said with her cute little accent.

"what are you doing here, Ella?" i asked sharply.

"missed me?" she said quite loudly.

i've met Ella twice before actually. when i went to England for the first time with my dad and my brother, she was here because her dad worked with mine. and of course she had to get with my brother and make the holiday just unbearable.

"why did you come here?" i asked again.

"i wanted to see you. i missed you bro."

one more thing. Ella loves jokes. she loves pranks. and i don't trust her. at all.

"plus," she continued. "i heard about Alex. i went to visit him actually."


"yeah, he-"

"stay out of his life, Ella. you've ruined him enough. i don't want you here."


"no. if you intend to stay here don't talk to me." i said and turned away from her.

i walked to the music room to see James. "hey." he said as i walked in.

"hey. can i talk to you for one second?" he got off the drums and walked up to me.

"what's up?"

"what do you think about Ella?"

"the new girl i only just met? um she looks alright." he said nervously.

"it's not a test James. i'm not trying to see if you interested in other girls."

"oh no? you're not jelouse at all?"

"no. because i know you know that one look and i will ruin you."

"there's my girl." i laughed at his comment and looked back at him.

"do you remember that girl from my summer vacation a few years ago? in England? before my dad died?"

"um, yeah. is it the one Alex was-"

"high? yep. that's the girl, James. Ella was the one who did this to him."


"and now she's here and she's not going away, and i don't want to keep seeing her. especially when he's not here and i just-"

"izzy, breath." he put his hands on my shoulders.

"she ruins people's lives. she's coming in and wrecking them. she's gonna pull so bad stuff and i can't let this happen."

"then don't . iz, just keep an eye on her. it's okay. everything is fine."

hearing James being calm is making me calmer. but this whole situation just making me more nervous.

i walked in studio A, Eldon and Tahlia were there with Riley and Ella and i was confused and why Riley was with her.

"i'm a woman of my word, so here's a kiss." Ella said and walked towards Eldon and kissed him.

i don't know what i miss but i do not like this.

"bye." Ella said and turned around, started to walk out of the studio leaving Riley and Thalia shocked behind.

"do not ever do that again." i told Eldon before running after Ella.

"what the hell are you doing?" i asked her, walking in front of her to make her stop.

"he needed a motivation."

"you can't just go around kissing people, Ella."

"why? it's fun!" she said smiling.

"you've never met him before!" i yelled.

"so? i like him. he's fit."

"he's got a girlfriend."

"almost a girlfriend." she corrected.

"it doesn't matter! stop messing with my friends!"

"i didn't do it for you, Isabel. i'm here. just except it."

"whatever." i said angrily and walked away from her.

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