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dancing with the new members of A troupe for the past two days has been weird. because when we dance, everything is good. but as soon as the music stops, we all go to our separate ways. and the tension grow.

everything is different. and it's hard to pull it together and be nice when i lost a lot of my friends.

i still haven't spoken to James since that night and i haven't seen him yet.

i left the studio early because i told Kate and Phoebe what happened with my brother and that my mom needs me now, but that was a lie.

i'm on my way to James' house to meet him and talk to him.

i rang the bell and his mom opens it for me. "hey, Isabel!" she said happily and hugged me. "how are you, sweetie?"

"i'm alright. is James home?" i asked her. 

"yes. he's upstairs. i'm on my way out, do you want anything or..."

"no i'm okay, thank you."

"okay, see you later Izzy." i smiled at her and then walk upstairs.

i knocked on the door twice before i decide to open it and he is with his headphones on, playing the drums. i tap on his back and he turn around to face me. "Izzy, hey." he took his headphones off. "what are you doing here?"

to be honest, i haven't completely figured out what i'm gonna say.

"how's the band?" i asked him nervously.

"fine." we just stayed quiet for a minute before i opened my mouth again.

"i came to apologize." he looked up. "i know you did it because you love me, and i know you want what's best for me. i just took it hard."

"i'm sorry i lied. but if i would've told you, you wouldn't have danced either and there's no point of that. you deserve to go to Internationals."

"but you deserve to go too." i said quietly.

he took my hands, and pulled me to sit on his lap. "we can't have everything we want, Iz."

i know James is right. but the past few days in A troupe, with him gone. has been horrible.

"dance is what bought us closer and now we're not dancing together anymore. what if we don't work outside of dancing?"

"you actually think that?" he asked. "Iz, we always worked. you're my soulmate." i smiled at his words. "we are for always and forever, whether you like it or not." i chuckled.

"i kinda like that idea."

"oh yeah?" i nodded as he leaned closer and kissed me.

"want to come with to my uncle's shop? to get a suit?" he asked me after kissing me for a few minutes.

"i'm good. i'll just hung here until you come back, okay?" i kissed him quickly and pull out of his lap.

he groaned but left quickly.

after about an hour, that i watched a movie on his computer, i got a text from him. SNS. what?

Riley and Emily has this code that means Sister needs sister, so i'm really confused on why he texted me that.

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