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Right now we are going through the dance on stage while Michelle and Eldon are going through the duet.

"Iz, can you watch over?" She told me.

"Yeah sure." I replied and she walked to Eldon and Michelle.

I think something is going on between them and Emily noticed. I just hope nothing will make drama.

Right now we are all backstage watching Elite going on stage with their airplane.

I don't know how we're gonna go on top of that.

Elite started dancing and we all just immediately freaked out. they're clean, they're in unison, their technique is very good. Nothing is wrong with their dance.

They did the airplane lift. It's all just amazing. They topped their last dance. They did so much lifts and turned and flips and everything was amazing.

Now it was our turn to go on stage. I'm excited but I'm also scared. I just want to dance my best and win it.

Me and James warmed up backstage when I see Beth behind us. "What is she doing here?" I say.

"What?" He turned to see her and Beth wave at him. "Give me one second. Don't worry about it." He walked over to her.

I don't think something is going on between James and Beth but she's clearly still likes him. It just piss me off. James likes me, and I know that, but I don't know if Beth knows that.

I just stared at them the whole time and then he came back to me. "So?" I asked him.


"What did she say?"

"Nothing she just wanted to tell me she's coming to watch."

"James I can read her lips." I said.

I actually didn't read it. But I could. I just wanted to make sure he's not lying.

"Iz, I swear that's it."

"Fine." I said and we walked on stage.

"Let's go guys! You got this." Kate said and we all walked into our positions.

Our dance is basically Romeo and Juliet.

We finished the dance and I felt like we did so good. It felt amazing. "Em, are you okay?" I asked her.

She hugged me and she started crying into my neck.

The curtains went down and we all stood as a team, making space for Elite to come on next to us.


"I'm okay." She said, wiping her tears.

I stood between Emily and James again. The curtain went up. "Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the 17th annual absolute dance competition is—"

My heart beat was so fast I thought my chest is about to explode.

"The Next Step!"

We all jumped excitedly. We were screaming at the top of our lungs. Tears of joy filled my eyes and I hugged Emily. And then I jumped into James's arms and he span me in the air.

"I love you." He said in my ear.

"What?" I looked at him.

"I love you, Iz. Always—" I cut him off with a kiss.

"I love you too." I said when I pulled out. "Always and forever."

He smiled and then crushed his lips onto mine.



season 2 will be up!!

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