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Kate and Chris walked in the studio. "We're gonna do something else this week. We're gonna do duets. We all need to be better on working together more, listen to each other, collaborating."

"Sorry, Kate. Do you know where Michelle is?" Chris asked.

"No. I haven't seen her. Anyone?" Emily said.

Really, Emily?

"She's late, though."

"As I was saying, duets, I need you all to pair off, chose your own duet partner, create a duet, work together, listen to each other."

"Izzy, I've got some sweet ideas for our duet." James said to me.

"I don't remember agreeing to be your partner." I said.

"Yeah, well, I decided, for the both of us."

When James asked me to he his partner, well he didn't really asked he kinda just decided that I will be his partner. I kinda agreed.

"Let's start. Come on, baby, wasting time!"

"Do not call me baby."

"Hey guys." Michelle said walking in.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah. I got caught but I handled it."

"What did you tell them?" James asked.

"That I came to audition to their team."

"I told you guys it was a bad idea to spy on them." Daniel said.

"Yeah." Everyone agreed.
"My bad, Michelle." James said.

"We're just glad you're okay."

"Michelle. I need to talk to you." Kate walked in saying to her.

Me and James rehearsed our duet in studio A while everyone else did. Riley came over when James talked to Emily for a second.

"Hey, can you come to studio b later? I need to talk to you. But don't tell anyone about it."

"Yeah sure."

I really have no idea what Riley wants to talk with me about

I walked inside studio B and saw Riley with James. "Okay, what is going on?" I asked them.

"Okay, so, I overheard my sister and Stephanie talking. And um, she's planing on pushing Michelle out of the studio."

"What! She has no right. Sorry, Ri, but she's crazy!"

"I agree with you. And that's why we were talking earlier and decided to replace her as dance captain."

"How are you gonna do that?"

"Well, the best way to do that is to replace her with... you." James said.

"You told her?" I asked James.

"What else was I supposed to do?"

"I don't know. Keep your mouth shut?"

"Iz, come on. You know you can do it." Riley said to me.

"She hates me already. She's gonna make my life miserable, not even talking about Stephanie."

"We're here, we'll help you."

"I can't do it."

"Yes, you can!" James said.

"No! I can't." I walked to door and left the studio.

I don't know why when I got the chance to be a dance captain I threw it away. But I can't overthrow Emily. It will end badly.

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