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right now me and James are in studio A showing Kate our duet for nationals but it's going awfully.

our chemistry is gone. if there's no chemistry the dance won't work. i have to trust him to have chemistry with him and i do not trust him.

we supposed to have a lift in the dance and when he came to lift me i just couldn't go all the way up.

i can't even look at him while i'm dancing. i'm doing an awful job as a duet partner.

through the entire dance we're supposed to touch each other, after all it is a duet, but i just can't.

our dance finishes with me walking so when the song finished i just walked out of the studio. "we'll pick this up tonight at rehearsal!" Kate said.

"got it." i said and left.

it's open mic at the juice bar so Emily and I just sat there and also i need to talk to her.

"i don't know what to do about James." i said. "i can't be with him. i can't work with him, but i can't stop thinking about him."

"well, why don't you just try thinking about someone else?" She suggested.

"go for someone new?"

"yeah, i mean, it's not unheard of- it's called a rebound."

"i know what a rebound is, Em, i've had boyfriends before."

"you've never had a rebound because you were never in love with your boyfriends you were always in love with James. now you need a rebound because you can't fall back into James's arms as your friend or as someone you love."

"thanks Em." i rolled my eyes. "see you later, okay?"


i got up of the chair but then i saw James walking in and i immediately sat back down and I saw him talking to Beth.

"i brought you your favorite juice, grape." she said to him.

James hate Grape.

"i was wondering if you wanna go on a date later." she said to him and my eyes widened.


"because i was taking to my mom and she already told me that she could drive us for about seven."

is she serious? is she actually serious?

"i'm ready to move on." i said to Em.

"i think your making the right decision."

"can we switch places please?" we stood up and the glass poured over Hunter's white shirt and i gasped.

"don't worry about it." Hunter said.

"i have an idea. the costume closet has spare shirts so i'm going to take you there." Emily took him away and i was left alone.

until Amanda called me next to her.

to be honest i don't trust Amanda completely yet.

but i go next to her. "whatcha doing?" she asked me.

"trying to find a less shitty boyfriend."

"ooh fun, i'll help." we started looking at boys around the room until Michelle and Stephanie joined us.

"steph!" i exclaimed happily and hugged her.

"hey girl. how you holding up?"

"i'm trying to find a new boyfriend." i said.

"that's exciting."

"what about Nick?" Amanda pointed out.

Nick is in B troupe and he's standing in front of the microphone singing and playing the guitar.

"he's cute and he can play the guitar." Steph said.

"i think you should give it a shot." Michelle said.

when he stopped singing i went over to him. "hey Nick." i said touching his hand slightly.

"hey Izzy."

"how are you?" i asked smiling.

stephanie: she is the biggest flirter i've ever seen.

i put my hair back and started playing with it slightly. James walked in.

"listen do you want to go out tonight?" Nick asked me.

"i'd love to." i said flirting.

James: i hear Nick ask Izzy out. i just didn't expect her to be moving on so quickly.

"but i have a duet practice tonight."

"ok that's cool. some other time maybe?"

"yeah. for sure."

"okay, sweet see you later." i looked over at the girls and smiled before waking upstairs to the studio.

i went inside the studio but James wasn't there and Kate wasn't there either. i waited for an hour before i texted him and he never showed up.

i sat on the floor and then called Nick. "hello?" he answered.

"Nick, it's Izzy."

"hey how's it going?"

"i'm good. how are you?"


"are you still free tonight?"


"alright, i'll see you soon."

i went downstairs back in the juice bar and sat with Nick. "why are you drinking coffee? coffee is not good for you."

what did he say to me?

"you work out a lot?" i asked him.

"not too much. maybe like probably 100-200 push ups an hour."

wow that boy is cocky.

"do you read?" i ask him.

"yeah a lot."

"really? like what?"

"fitness magazines."

Nick is the male version of Beth. i hate Beth. i am not going out with a Beth. no way.

"okay Nick, listen—" my phone rang and my mom's name popped up on the screen. "give me second." i stood up and walked away. "hey mom."

"honey, where are you?" she asked hysterically.

"juice bar with a friend. are you okay?"

"Alex got into a car accident. i need you—"

"i'm coming." i hung up quickly and went back to Nick. "i am so sorry but i gotta go."

"is everything okay?" he asked.

"umm, i'm not sure." i ran out of the juice bar and hopped on the first bus.

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