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right now i'm in the cafe with Emily listening to her story. "mum almost like literally washed the kittens." she said. "in the washing machine! i was running, mom!"

"did i tell you what happened last night with James?" i cut her off. i had to tell someone.


"okay, well, so you know we won the nationals duet, which is great, but umm... i went to tell him. so i go into the music room and i'm really excited about it. i'm really stoked to tell him and then, i go in and i see him kissing beth."


"kissing her. i don't think he saw me, but—"

"wait, wait, how long were they kissing?" she asked.

"i don't know but it seemed like forever." i said quickly.

"Izzy, come down. you have to talk to him. you don't know the full story, okay? just... just see what's going on."

i think emily's right. i mean, if i give james a chance to explain, then hopefully he'll be honest, and you know he'll tell me the truth.

"you can't jump to conclusions with your heart, okay? and either you're going to get hurt, or he's going to get hurt." i looked up. "you don't know the full story okay?" James sat by our sides.

"what's up?" he asked.

"you just have to pack that picnic and get out of here!" Emily changed the subject quickly. "like i'm about to do to wash out cat. all right, well, have fun!" Emily left me alone with James.

"what's up?" he asked me.

"so how was the rehearsal with Beth last night?" i asked him.

i want him to look me in the eye and tell me the truth.

"it was good. we really got some more progress with the dance. so i'm starting to fell really comfortable with it." he said so lightly.

"so nothing happened at rehearsal?" i asked trying to push him to tell me. "nothing out of the ordinary at all?"

"no. same old."

and when he lies to my face... i know the kiss had to have meant something. why would he... why would he not tell me the truth if it didn't mean something?

"what's up, iz?"

"that's funny, because when i came to the music room last night to tell you that we got the nationals duet, i see you and beth kissing." he sighed. "and then when i give you the chance to be honest about it, you lie to my face."

"look, Izzy."

"is there anything else you're lying to me about?"

"no, Iz, listen. Beth kissed me. i didn't kiss beth."

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