Chapter 20 : Is this Home?

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Kat Pov

As we are riding in the van from the airport to the boys dorm, I can't help but wonder, is this home? Is this place the place where I will finally be happy and safe?

I also am nervous because the boys haven't said anything a
about our sleeping arrangements.

I love them all but I am not ready to not have my own space, a place to go when I feel overwhelmed and need to step away.

I must be visibly nervous because Hyunjin leans over the back of the seat and hugs me from behind and asks me "what's bothering you, are you ok?"
I answer him truthfully about what I'm worried about. He laughs and tells me "don't worry we have a room set up for you, nothing is decorated but there is a bed and a closet and all the boxes from your home are in there waiting for you."

I get super excited and relief floods through me as my worries are set to ease, then I start with thinking about what colours I want in my new room and what style I want to make my aesthetic.

Then I wonder if I can get new sheets and bookshelves and drawers or if they just want me to use the ones already in the room or if they had them in the room already for whoever slept there before and wanted to use it in their new room.

As all these thoughts raced through my head I could see Hyunjin getting worried by my delayed response and I smiled at him and said "I can't wait to see what y'all have put together for me, I know it will be a great start to me feeling at home."

Hyunjin smiled and suddenly swooped me up into his arms and carried me into the building.

He didn't put me down the whole way to the dorm smiling and looking smug as the others looked at him in amazement, none of them had initiated any physical touch besides hugs since we met and were jealous that they hadn't been the first to do this. (Not counting Felix's impulsive neck loving which he later apologised for so I'm not counting it)

We arrive at the dorm door and Hyunjin places me on my feet, he opens the door and says "Welcome Home Kat".

I started to cry. 

3rd Person Pov

As the boys crowded in behind them they looked worried.

Why is Kat crying? Is their home not good enough? Was she expecting something bigger?

They had just moved to a bigger dorm after living in their cramped dorm for the last few years, they had moved after I.N. turned 18 so that they would have room for their last soulmate.

Now their home was huge but they had 5 bedrooms, 2 studios, a kitchen, a laundry room/storage room, and a huge living room talking up the entire floor of the building which was more than any other group they knew had this early in their career.

JYP wasn't going to get them a new place so the boys agreed to split the cost 8 ways so that they would be ready for Kat whenever they would find her.

Hyunjin standing right behind her got the privilege of being the respectant of Kats giant hug,

They could now see that she had a huge smile on her face and relaxed knowing that everything was ok.

Kat was able to get out "I finally have a home, and soulmates to share it with!".

Kat was ecstatic this was better than she could even imagine, she knew from being a stay that the boys had moved but they had never really shown the new dorm to stay like they had the old one which was truly not big enough for all the boys let alone her.

As the boy's watch as Kat explores the home, they bring all the luggage in from the vans and place them in the respective rooms.

Suddenly they heard a shriek from what is supposed to be Kat's new room.

It was Kat exclaiming over all the stuff her boy's had gotten for her so far in her room, even the pale light blue wall colour was beautiful. How did they know that was her favourite colour? Had she told them?

 She didn't remember doing so, this was perfect. She really only needed a couple of necessities and then she was set and she loved it.

Her boy's are amazing even before they met her they had already known what she needed.

 They really were meant to be her home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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