Chapter 13 You are Our Girl

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Kat Pov

I am super scared after Felix tells Chan to gather everybody up, what if they don't feel the same way as Felix?

What if they feel like they don't want me or that I'm not right for them?

And if they do? What am I going to do? I'm already in love with them and I know that I will fall deeper for them everyday even if I'm apart from them.

If I have to leave them behind or if they leave me behind I think it will shatter me beyond repair.

Slowly the boys trickled in finding a seat at the table, they all had a confused face wondering why they were gathered and what was so important to talk about.

Felix turns to me with a reassuring look and tells me to tell the boys what I had been talking to him about earlier.

I slowly re-say everything Felix and I had talked about, as I talk I see frustration and sadness, guilt and pain flash across different boys faces and I feel terrible about the thoughts I am having but Felix is right they have a right to know so that in the future (I hope) we don't have anything In-between us.

As I finish Minho stands up and comes around the table and pulls me into his arms.

In the softest whisper I hear, I will never let you go and I will never not need you and I know the rest feel the same, You Are Our Girl.

I visibly relax at those words and know that I am home.

I hug Minho back tightly and then turn back to the rest of the group to see them all trying to hold back tears.

My poor boys I hold out my arms and we begin a group hug that lasts way longer then it should.


Changbin Pov

As Kat talks I realized that as our soulmate she can probably feel all our insecurities and thinks that they are hers.

I realized that I was crying but as I looked up I realized that there is not one boy whose eyes are dry and I wish I was Lee Know hugging her so tightly.

As everything settles down I suggest that we take turns spending time with Kat 1x1 to get to know each other better and so that she doesn't feel overwhelmed by all of us at once. We can be a lot I know.

The rest agree and decide since it was my idea I should go first.

I decided to take kat on a walk around the beach that this house we are renting is on.

It is so much nicer than the hotel rooms we had last tour; they were so small.

We walk and create small talk, I tell her about my studio back home and I can't wait to show her it.

We talk about music and how I come up with the lyrics to our songs and what inspires me.

I joke around about the next album will be filled with lots of songs inspired by her and she blushed.

I have an amazing time, but before we know it, it is time to turn back and let the next boy have a chance to get to know her.

Before we go back into the house I wrap my arms around her and tell her I will always need her and to please never forget that.

Then we head in for the next boys turn.

I know it's early but I think I am really falling for her already. 

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