Chapter 18: Butterflies and Puzzle Pieces

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Chan Pov

I smile as Kat goes to wake the sleepy heads up and wonder how we ever could have thought we wouldn't meet her, we always thought because we had met each band member that when our last soulmate never came to the company that we would never meet her.

I've never been more glad that I was wrong, she has brought light and happiness into our lives that we didn't know that we needed and will use everything in my power to protect her.

I worry tho that we will not be able to protect her and keep her safe, both physically but also mentally and emotionally. I know that that is something she already struggles with and I worry the pressure of being not just one kpop artist's soulmate but an entire band's soulmate will bring pain and hurt to her.

I will try my best to keep her safe and shield her from the harm that could come just as I do for every member, they are my reason for what I do and how I am.

I hear some laughter coming from upstairs and decide to go see how Kat is doing with waking the boys up, as I reach the bedroom door Jeongin comes out the door laughing behind him I see Kat caught up in Felix's arms and smiling looking so at home in the situation you would never know we had met not that long ago.

She fits so perfectly into our family.

I walk in and say "Felix, let go of Kat. She was sent to wake all y'all up and bring you down for food. Now go get dressed so we can wake Hyunjin up and have Lunch because Ma made all our favorites and I want to get some before the others eat it all."

I turn to wake Hyunjin and he is trying not to make a sound, silently laughing at the situation next to him. "Get your butt out of bed and get ready and down for lunch, next time don't just lay there." I tell him and he rolls his eyes and rolls out of bed heading for the bathroom.

I turn and pull Kat back downstairs and hurry to the kitchen so I can grab Kat some food before the rest eat it all.

Hyunjin Pov

I wake up to the sound of laughing and Bang Chan scolding Felix, I try so hard not to laugh.

Then He tells me to get up for food, I roll out of bed and hurry to the bathroom to make myself presentable and then head downstairs.'

The food smells amazing, I can't remember the last time we sat down to a home cooked meal from one of our moms, this felt just perfect.

I ask Momma B. if the have any art supplies because mine are packed with the rest of our stage stuff by accident, I want to draw this feeling of home and family and give it to Kat to show her my feelings since I am not very good with talking about them.

She does and I quickly grab some of my favorite foods and sit in the corner with my food and sketch my family all eating and have the best time with easing and love radiating off of them.

I hope this feeling never goes away, Kat is the perfect fit and the missing piece for all of our imperfections.

Momma B. Pov ( Surprise Pov)

I look around my kitchen at my Boys and now my new daughter and the love that they already have for her and her for them, and it is the most beautiful thing a mom could ask for.

I hope and pray for this to last them for the rest of their lives and no hardships will separate them, I know that the rest of the moms will be astatic when i fill them in on our new daughter and how much light she has brought all our boys and the support she gives them in the little things she says and does even in the short time she has been with them.

She truly is the last piece to their puzzle, I can't wait to see them grow into the family they are meant to be.

(A/n Filler chapter, I am working on Meeting more of the families and the next step for their story but I had this Idea for this filler chapter and decided to share it with y'all. ~K)

Happy Holidays'!!!!!!!!

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