Chapter 14 Getting to Know You

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Han Pov

I get to spend time with Kat next after Changbin brought her back to the house, I am so excited.

I decided that we're going to have a movie and cuddle when I ask her what her favorite movie is. She says the King and I.

I have never seen her face light up like that before as she talks about it and that makes me so excited to watch it and share time with her.

As we watch the movie I can see her emotions, the happiness when she sees the children singing, the sadness when she realizes that Anna cannot be with the king.

It is a wonderful story that I had not seen before and to see it with Kat made it just that much better.

After the movie ended cat curled up into my side and decided to take a nap, I sit there and wonder how did I get so lucky to get such a wonderful soulmates,

I don't know what I would do if I lost any of them.

One of my greatest fears is that one of them will somehow be gone someday. I hope and pray that I can always protect them and that they will always be with me.

Kat Pov

I woke up from my " cat nap" to see Jisung staring down at me with a smile on his face.

What did I do to be so lucky to get these amazing soulmate,

I hope he enjoyed the movie that we watched. I think he did. He was smiling, giggling along to everything with me.

He's so sweet and caring and when I said I needed a nap but he just said okay,

He's also a very good pillow just the right amount of squishy to firmness to fall asleep against.

I am reluctant to get up as that means the end of our time together for now,

but I also know that that means that I can just spend time with another one of my soulmates.

I so far have felt comfortable with the two boys I've spent time with and I hope we continue to feel this way with the other boys.

My Boys, I like that My Boys that's how I'm going to think of them from now on.

Sorry for the break in between chapters I intended for this chapter to be out a week and a half ago,
but life happens and things don't always work out, hopefully the short chapter will tide you guys over until I'm able to post a longer chapter like I intended.
Thank you for your patience and understanding

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