Chapter 19: Family is More than Blood

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Kat Pov

I am so excited, today I get to meet the rest of my Aussie Family aka Felix's Family.

I was nervous before but Momma B said not to be because she knows Felix's mom will love me like she does.

I can't help it though. I truly don't deserve these men.

Just this morning I couldn't find my bag with my earrings and makeup and the next thing I knew 3 of the boyz were scouring the house looking for me until Jeongin found it under Channies bed. I have no idea why it was there of all places, unless Barry had picked it up and set it under Chan's bed?

Once all nine of us are cleaned up and ready to go we pack ourselves into two cars and head out on our way to Felix's house.

As we get closer the more I strangely am at peace about this meeting, Mama B. had assured me that they would welcome me into their family just as smoothly as she had.

I know that this is my family for now and the foreseeable future and that they will never be as bad as my past before my Aunt and Uncle took me in.

I realise that i haven't shared that with the boyz yet, I'm not worried I have forever for them to learn all about me and for me to know them. I have fully decided that they are mine and no one is going to ever take them away from me.

As we pull up to the house I can't help but notice the beautiful teenage girls, they must be Felix's sisters. Wow, his whole family is gorgeous. Our kids will have the dna jackpot, wait where did that thought come from? We haven't even talked about kids yet and I am nowhere ready for that but I do know that one day I do want them. I hope that they want that too. If they don't then I will have to figure out a way to deal with it but I truly hope they do.

I feel someone shaking my shoulder and look up to see Minho's worried face.

"Are you ok?' He asks, I nod my head. "I was just stuck in my thoughts and worries but I'm ok, I know y'all will help me if I need it" I tell him. "Ok, Please tell me if you are ever not ok, I will do just about anything for you Kat." Minho says with what I hope is love in his eyes.

Even in just this short time I have fallen so hard for each of these boys for themselves and not for the people they portray on the internet and for their fans, they are even more special in their everyday lives than what anyone could have ever told me they would be.

"We need to go, the others are waiting for us." Minho says to me and I realise that the others are already all off the van and waiting for us outside.

Ok. Here I go, more family created by love and fate. I wonder what the families back in Korea will be and if I will be accepted just as warmly as my Aussie fam has been so far. That thought is for another day and right now I am just going to sit in this moment .

Mrs Lee pulls me into her arms in the biggest hug I have had in a while as soon as my feet hit the ground. ( not counting Mama B. of course)

I really didn't have anything to worry about. Mrs Lee whispers in my ear, "Please call me Mom, the boys all do and you are now a part of our family too."

I start to cry. This is really the best, I was accepted.

Jisung Pov

I am worried for Kat as she is taking a long time to get out of the van until I see Min through the window heading towards her and feel relaxed a little, I know he will take good care of her.

As they finally get out of the Van I look at Minho to make sure everything is ok, he just shakes head and motions that he'll tell me later.

Even though we are all soulmates Min and I have always had a special bond. Even before we knew we were soulmates we felt like we could rely on each other and that we needed each other, me with my anxiety and him with his frustrations with himself.

I love all of them but He was the first one I ever said it to because he and I just feel a little bit closer than anyone else until Kat came, now I feel that way with her too because we both go thru similar things with anxiety.

I love how Mama Lee just immediately goes to hug Kat sensing that she is nervous and unsure of how to say hi, of all the moms the 2 aussie ones are always the most outwardly warm, (not to say our other moms aren't warm but not outwardly).

The Rest of the day goes smoothly and unfortunately we have to leave to make it to the airport in time for our plane and make it back to Korea in time for the Issacs, I really don't want to go but JYPE needs us to so we will, Chan says that if I get overwhelmed i can to sit in the locker room until i am comfortable with coming back out. I hope that doesn't happen but if it does Kat said she will hurry back from the stands to sit with me so I'm not alone.

We all pile into the van and Head to the airport and we decide who is sitting by who.

Felix calls sitting next to Hyunjin and In and Seungmin asks if he can sit next to Kat and she says yes, then Chan says he is sitting on the other side of her and none of us argue with him.

I sit next to Min and Changbinnie sits on the other side of Min in our row.

The flight goes smoothly and we arrive at 2 am and thankfully no one is at the airport so we can quietly get into the vans and head for the dorm.

Our manager says that all of Kat's things have arrived and have been placed in the spare room at the dorm that has been set aside for our last soulmate since we moved to a bigger place.

We originally were going to get 2 places and just bounce back and forth but than Changbin and Innie didn't want to be separated from their soulmates not even for night time so we got a larger place with more rooms and an extra one for our last soulmate.

I can't wait to show Kat her room, Its pretty much bare but her bathroom is decorated with a whole bunch of SKZ merch and music is painted on the wall with a song Chan and I wrote just for her even before we met. I hope she likes it.

As we are riding along I feel my head begin to nod, I wasn't able to sleep on the flight so I am exhausted and I fall asleep against Changbins shoulder. 

Thank you all for being patient with me. I have had a lot happening in my life lately including a job change that was much needed. Hopefully I can start publishing more regularly and with less wait time. Have fabulous spring day!

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