Chapter 11 Our Girl

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Felix Pov

Kats crying is really breaking my heart.

She truly thinks that she is not good enough for us, which is completely wrong.

If anything we are perfect for each other, that's why we are soulmates.

Isn't the point that we are supposed to be made to fit each other in the places we are lacking in life.

I want to just pick her up and take her home and devote my time to making her feel like she is enough.

I slowly move towards her and Seungmin moves over to let me sit next to her.

I fold her into me and hug her fiercely.

You are perfect! I whisper into her ear, don't you ever think differently Kat.

She startles at her name.

"You know my name?" She asks.

Well we were pretty sure it was your name when Han got the same mark, but his mark for our last soulmate had the name Kat under it. I tell her with a laugh in my voice.

She seems to accept that very easily and then decides to cuddle deeper into my chest.

Oh my, I never want this to stop, I already am wrapped around her finger. 😝

Kat Pov

I don't hear anything anyone is saying after

answering Channie oppa, then suddenly I feel myself pulled into the cuddliest hug in the world.

A deep voice whispers in my ear that I'm perfect and to never doubt it, then he says my name! I ask him, you know my name?

He chuckles and tells me that Han has my name under his mark for me.

That makes perfect sense to me since I have all of their names under the marks for them.

Then I decided to snuggle close to him and his warm hug.

I'm pretty sure this is Felix and I make a mental note that I will be coming back to him for more hugs because this feels amazing.

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