Same Ol' Mistakes

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Cataleya Rose 

5 months later

Walking on stage as the crowd screamed my name I smiled waving as I walked towards the presenter grabbing my award. 

"Firstly, I want to thank God for giving me this gift. I also want to thank my daughter Rosalia, my niece Solana, and last but not least my brother Zion. Everything I do is for you all" I say into the mic as I accept my award.

Finishing my speech, I looked to my left seeing Aubrey cheering me on. 

"I also want to thank my partner in crime, my best friend, and my love Aubrey. Without you this project wouldn't be the same" I say reaching out motioning him on stage.

Giving me a hug, his hands rubbed against my stomach briefly before I pushed his hand away hoping no one saw. 

Smiling as we accepted the award, we exited the stage shortly after being greeted by cheers from my team.

Smiling as we accepted the award, we exited the stage shortly after being greeted by cheers from my team

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Smiling I walked past everyone. Going straight towards Z, Soso, and Lia watching as the two little ones ran towards me. 

"You did so good tt" Soso says handing me flowers with Lia smiling up at me reaching for me to lift her up. Picking her up and sitting her on my hip I smiled at the both of them attacking them with kisses.

Walking towards me Z gave me a hug congratulating me as his fiancé followed behind him giving me a hug as well.

"Take it easy Leya you don't want to hurt the baby" She whispers in my ear rubbing my back causing me to nod.

Watching Lia's eyes light up I watched as she reached for whoever was walking behind me.

Looking over my shoulder I was met with a smiling Aubrey who was holding Adonis's hand as they both gave me a hug. Grabbing Lia Aubrey lifted her onto his shoulders as we watched a flash go off causing us all to instantly mug Z.

"Sorry I couldn't help it" He laughs wrapping his arms around Soso and Robyn. 

Playfully rolling my eyes we engaged in conversation before we all left for our flight. 

Getting situated on the plane I made sure the children were comfortable before sitting opposite of Robyn. Watching the two interact warmed my heart.

I was thankful that Z found someone that loved him for him and also loved his daughter. That's all I ever wanted for Z. To find love and be able to achieve his dreams meaning my job as a big sister was successful. 

Snapping a picture, I watched as they both turned towards me rolling their eyes playfully.

"Now yall see how it feels." I say sticking out my tongue at them. 

Feeling someone sit next to me I turned towards a clearly high Aubrey giving him a kiss causing him to smile

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Feeling someone sit next to me I turned towards a clearly high Aubrey giving him a kiss causing him to smile. 

"You did great baby" he says wrapping his arms around me before placing his other hand on my very small but evident baby bump.

Relaxing in his arms we all engaged in playful banter as the plane finally took off. 

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