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Cataleya Rose

Waking up I heard birds chirping as I sat up holding onto my forehead. Feeling a body move next to me I looked over as Dre slept peacefully wrapped in my black silk sheets.

Getting up from the bed I grabbed my robe before I went into the bathroom to complete my morning routine. Hearing the door open I was met with Dre watching me from the door frame causing me to smile.

Walking behind me he wrapped his arms around my waist letting me relax in his arms. 

"You know you're mine now" He whispers in my ear before placing small kisses along my neck.

Smiling I turned in his arms to wrap my arms around his neck.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" I smiled giving him a small kiss before I walked away leaving him to clean himself up. Getting dressed I heard talking coming from the balcony outside. 

Looking out of my bedroom window I watched as Z and Soso painted on the canvas we set up every Sunday for family time. 

Going outside I greeted them both with a kiss and a smile before I joined them. 

"How was the session last night" Z asked causing me to smile.

"It was wonderful" I respond causing him to laugh.

"Yea I bet a real passionate session" he says pointing to my neck causing me to gasp and throw a paint brush at him. 

"Shut up" I we both laugh as Soso just looked as us in confusion before she started laughing. 

After the laughter came down Z looked at me before reciting the infamous lines that he always said "Just be careful I don't want to see you hurt again". Smiling I nodded my head staying silent and turning my attention to the canvas.

Hearing the door open Z and I looked towards it seeing Dre come out and finding a seat next to me greeting everyone.

We all engaged in conversation as we painted before Z and Soso left because he had a wedding to shoot in Baton Rouge. 

Dre and I decided that we would work on music while they were gone but this time I already knew what I wanted to sing about. 

Going into the booth I grabbed the mic feeling the beat in my soul before I started singing.

"Threw away your love letters 

I thought it make me feel better 

And I, finally got you out my bed 

But I 

Still can't get you out my head" 

I sang closing my eyes thinking about my ex and I. After I was finished, I walked out towards Dre as he watched my every step.

Pulling me towards him he held me close as I listened to his heartbeat.

As we pulled apart he looked me deep in my eyes before reciting a promise I wish he never made. 

"I'll never hurt you baby from the moment I met you I knew you were special and there is no where I'd rather be" he says before giving me a soft kiss causing me to smile with hope in my eyes.

But nothing lasts forever, and no one is truly ours. 

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