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Aishwarya's POV 

I was surprised mama knew that I'm talking about Nikki

"I asked Tanvi (Nikki's mom) about Nikki last night. She told everything and apologized" mama said 

"Sorry mama, I hid from you..."

"I understand why you did. I'm sorry Aishu you suffered because of my sins..." mama said in tears 

"You were punished for your sins. Forget about it...

Mama, I love Vicky so much. He loves me too..." I tried to tell. I'm scared he would take me away

He laughed 

"I know, don't worry I won't separate you from Vicky. I want nothing but your happiness. Don't worry about Neetu or Varna. I will take care of them like you. I don't want to hold grudges and let past to shadow present Aishu. I experienced the consequences.

I don't know if you could forgive her for the pain she gave you but think about everyone Aishu. Everyone in your in law's family are punished along with her. They miss her, can't celebrate wholeheartedly. 

I'm sure you realized it, that's why you are here with me to talk about. 

Can you forget past and forgive Nikki for my sake?" Mama asked 

"Mama!" I said in shock. Why he wants me to forgive the person who hates him so much

"I'm Nikki's Godfather, I held her before her parents held. I named her Nikhitha after my late sister..." he said emotionally 

"It's my fault that she grew up without father. I'm responsible for her actions... Aishu... I don't know anything about Nikki but I can tell you one thing for sure... she wouldn't have hurt you that way if she knew Vicky married you and were intimate. She is my Raghav's daughter... she would never ruin a girl's life that way.

I'm not supporting Nikki for what happened but there is huge difference between breaking heart and ruining life. 

Think about it... I would be happy if you could forgive her... it's Penance for my sins..."

Nikki came out of nowhere and held mama's legs crying 

We were shocked

"I'm sorry uncle, forgive me... I understand now how much you repent..." she sobbed

End of Flashback 

I grew up seeing mama's remorse for his sins. I saw the same in Nikki. No one is happy, I felt I'm responsible. I wanted to let go of past. 

"Why was Nikki there at that time?" Vicky asked 

"I came home with Vishal to give dress for Rehaan...of course I would have stayed in the car. I saw Aishu going out with uncle. I was scared thinking what Aishu would tell  uncle. We followed them.

I cursed myself after listening to their conversation... I know the feeling of remorse. Uncle experienced for years. He loves me, wants my happiness even after knowing how much I hate him" Nikki said 

"Aishu convinced Varna to forgive Nikki. We wanted to surprise everyone, kept it secret" Nikki added

"That's the best surprise" Vikranth uncle said emotionally 

We retired to our rooms after dinner. Vicky thanked me at least hundred times. I shouted at him in frustration and made him sleep in sofa. He complied with me when he couldn't convince me. My pregnancy hormones are worst, he knew better than to argue.

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