Two important things

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Vikram's POV

I came upstairs and stood in front of  Aishu's room. I really want to go inside but remembered her words that she would end her life if I walk through that door.

I'm going back to be dad! That feeling itself is ecstatic. 

"Why are you standing here?" I heard Vishal say and came out of my dream world

I hugged him. I feel so happy that he is here. He is the only one with whom I could share my happiness.

Not wanting to disturb Aishu we came to living room

"I asked Mahesh if something happened. He said, he called Aishu for lunch. She didn't take call but messaged about not feeling well, going home and to inform me... Im trying to find but I wanted to see Aishu first" he said 

"I was really scared Vishal, she calmed down and slept after Varna came" I said 

"What happened?" He asked 

Her words echoed in my ears...I'm characterless in front of everyone because of you.... Go celebrate.... He asked me to sleep with him because I'm characterless 

"What happened? Why are you crying?" He asked 

"I'm responsible for her suffering, I ruined her life. She told me,  'what you did is no less than what my mama did'

Now I realize the truth in her words. I made her pregnant and left to suffer in this cruel world. Someone knew about her pregnancy, called her characterless and asked...." I couldn't tell him

"I want to avoid these situations, that's why I kept telling you to make things right. She is 14 weeks already, in few weeks her baby bump will be evident. 

I joined as HOD to protect her, I'm sorry I failed" Vishal said sadly

"I understand why there is hatred for me in her eyes. She would never forgive me" I said sadly 

"She still loves you Vicky. You both are meant to be together. You broke up with her but you love her deeply. She wanted to forget  you but your baby is growing in her. She couldn't have forgotten you even if she was not pregnant, she too loves you deeply.

Look at the fate, she is living with her in laws. Your parents love her as own daughter. They would definitely accept her even after knowing who she is.

It's us who is I  trouble. Imagine living in jail as prisoner instead of ACP" Vishal said smiling 

"It's not joke Vishal, dad would definitely do" I said 

My stomach made rumbling sounds

"Let's eat something, I'm hungry too" Vishal said 

We both had food. 

"Vicky, let her tell you when she is ready. Don't ask about pregnancy" Vishal said 

How can I?

"Give her time, I'm sure she would tell in few days" he said 

I nodded

We sat in living room 

After sometime I heard some sounds upstairs. Aishu woke up!

She came downstairs after sometime and went to kitchen without looking at us. We waited but she didn't come out for long time. I went inside to check if she is ok, Vishal followed me.

She is sitting on the counter top holding ice cream tub and eating ice cream. There is empty ice cream tub next to her.

She looked so cute. I took picture 

"What are you doing? Delete it?" She shouted getting down

"I want to show mom if she  scolds me for eating so much ice cream. She wouldn't believe that you finished" I joked

"You mean I ate so much" she asked

I pointed at the ice cream tubs. One is empty, other one is almost empty.

She looked embarrassed 

"I didn't have my lunch, I'm eating for two ... I mean two meals... lunch and evening... so it's ok" she justified like a toddler 

Always on the verge of telling about pregnancy but covered... I was too dumb to understand before

"Do you want more?" I asked 

"Are you mocking me?" She asked seriously 

"No, I'm going out to have ice cream. If you want let's go" I said 

"I'm in" said Varna 

"Varna" Aishu said happily hugging her

"Let's go, I was stuck with three hours of boring meeting. I need some sugars" Varna said

"How did it go?" Aishu asked

"Signed the contract" she said 

"Congratulations" we all said 

We went to Baskin Robins.

No one spoke about afternoon incident. It was as if it didn't happen but it didn't leave my head for two reasons 

One is the most happiest thing, I'm going to be father 

Other is worst thing, some bastard misbehaved with Aishu in worst possible way.

I will make him regret till he is alive

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