The face I least Expected

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Aishwarya's POV 

Vicky loves Nikki so much, if she blackmailed that she would kill herself,  what could he do? Whatever happened can't be changed. I can't linger in the past and ruin everyone's happiness.  What Vishal said is true, it's upto me.

I can't wait to talk to Vicky about our future. I felt shy thinking about all those times when I saw desire in Vicky's eyes. He looks away shaking his head as if controlling his thoughts. He never crossed his limits, kept his word. He asks my permission to touch our baby. I feel bad seeing his difficulties maintaining distance from me. He loves me, married me. It's natural to have desire for me.

 Doorbell rang. I adjusted mysaree and looked in the mirror, brushed my hair with fingers, took a deep breath and opened the door.

I was shocked seeing the person I'm least expecting....

There stood Nikki, looking furious, her eyes are spitting fire. 

What is she doing here? Why is she here?

Of course it's her house, it's surprising that I didn't see her here in the last 4 months though I'm staying in her uncle's home.

"Hi Nikki, come inside" I said after recovering from shock

"This is my house, I don't need invitation from an outsider" she said bitterly 

She got her revenge,  almost ruined my life. Why is she still like this? I'm trying to be civilized when I should be the one angry.

She pushed me and came inside

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked

She broke vase

"Who do you think you are to ask for pleasantries in my own home. Get out of my home and our lives" she yelled

"Why are you angry Nikki? I should be the one to be angry, you plotted against me, took revenge for something that happened before I was born. You are a girl, how could you even think of something like that? Don't you regret?" I couldn't help from asking. She is a girl, how can she ask Vicky to use me like that. Don't she feel ashamed to  ask her cousin to have sex with me and ditch after that?

"I don't regret for what  I did. I'm angry that you are still here instead of crying at your home"

"You know what Nikki, you don't deserve to be part of this family. Everyone is so good, you are evil, black mole. If they know your evil face, they will be disgusted. 

My uncle told your dad is epitome of righteousness. You did everything as revenge for what  happened to him. If he is alive today, he would have died in shame seeing what his daughter did to an innocent girl..."

She slapped me hard before I could finish 

"Don't take my dad's name from your mouth... you are not innocent,  you are evil, perfect heir to that monster. You came here for revenge,  made my own family against me...

You are plotting against us using your brother and sister in law..."

"Shut up Nikki, I didn't do anything..."

She slapped me again

"Get out of my home before I kill you" she shouted

"This is my home, I'm not going anywhere. Who are you to tell that? Vicky, aunty, uncle Everyone loves me..."

She laughed

"My aunt and uncle doesn't know who you are! Do you think they would let you stay if they know. You think Vicky would lead a happy life with you, marrying you and have kids? Never... he loathes your family.... you are just a sheep, trusting him again and again even after knowing what we did.... 

He would break your heart again and throw you out. Get out if you have any shame" she said bitterly

I don't trust her, I need to talk to Vicky

"You are saying I would be thrown out after knowing who I am.... what about you? What  will happen if they know how you tried to take revenge on me....

They might be angry knowing who I am but they would never throw me out especially after knowing what you did. They would be disgusted with you,  never see your face" I shouted

She tried to slap me again but I held her hand. I will not let her abuse me anymore. 

She pushed me yelling "I will kill you"

Luckily I didn't fall on my stomach but my lower abdomen is hurting like hell....

I need to save my baby from this monster, she would kill. I have to go from here... I tried to get up, couldn't,... 

I wish Vicky would come now... oh no! Will he help me? He loves Nikki so much, he would never go against her. What would I do? I have to save my baby... God! Please help me...

"Aishu" I heard Vishal's voice.... 

I was relieved seeing him...

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