Chapter 14

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one month later May 18th

Amy PoV.

"Guys, listen up!" I called out as I entered the practice room. The members were sitting on the ground just talking, doing nothing. Well, that will change now.

"I just heard that you guys will to a special stage, which has to be fancy, over the top, whatsoever. I have the choreo for you guys and we need to start practicing it NOW!"

I let myself fall down next to them and sighed. "I didn't make the choreo, some professional dude did it. I tried changing some moves that were almost impossible or even dangerous, in most cases they didn't let me though, so good luck!"
"How dangerous?" Chan asked.

"Saltos, quick movements, lifting figures, you name it. But that's why I'm here, right? To teach you the safest and easiest way, I just have to figure that way out myself first."

I took out my phone and played the song. It was a mashup from different Stray Kids songs. I took out my notebook too and opened the page where I wrote down the steps for the new choreography. "You understand that and know based on that what the choreo is?" Jeongin asked in disbelieve. "Well yeah. As long as I understand it and can teach you guys, I don't care how messy it looks."

"Let's start! We have a lot to do and close to no time for it!" I jumped up and walked to the center of the room. The members followed me and I showed them where they had to stand for the starting pose. "So the beginning is still kinda easy, nothing you haven't done before. Okay, basically..."

I spent a few minutes showing them the first steps and position changes until they got the hand of it. After that we spent hours on the chorus and the dance break, since that was a really intense part which needed all their energy. We did a short break after about three hours and while we were talking about the performance the door opened and eight men entered. One of them was the manager, I have already seen most of the others in the hallway once but I have no idea who they are.

"JYP ordered that the lifting figure during the bridge needs special training. Let me introduce you to these gentlemen. The seven of them are all professional dancers and will each take one position of you. We haven't decided yet which position in the figure each one of you will take but we will see about that during the training. For now, Ms. Park, I would like you to do the part, that is being lifted." The manager said and truned towards me at his last words.

"I'm not sure if I can already do it, I haven't trained that part yet."
"But JYP told me back when you were a trainee here you were almost famous for that move." That asshole, I thought but obviously had to keep quiet about my opinion. "I'm sorry sir, but that was five years ago, I haven't done it since then, I would have to at least prepare myself for it, just like the members need to be prepared for it."

"Well, it is your job to come prepared, the time you spent with the members is so you can prepare them not yourself. We don't have much time, you need to do it now or I will have to fill a complaint!"

Was he serious right now? If one thing was done wrong, it could end bad, but I can't have a complaint already! "Let me at least strech beforehand!" I replied and immediately started streching. "Okay, that should be enough, get ready everyone!"

I looked up at him in disbelieve. That man was really trying to kill me. I went into the center of the dancers and got ready to be lifted up. "Go!" The manager called out and started the music on the right part. I felt a few pair of hands on my body and seconds later my feet left the ground. I was about to be thrown when I grabbed onto the closest person and clung to said arm. "Stop! Stop!"

I was let down again and I fell on my knees the moment my feet touched the ground. I couldn't do this. Not again.
Why can't they just leave me alone?

Dancing with Stray Kids | Kim SeungminWhere stories live. Discover now