Chapter 5

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Amy PoV.

The door opened and I was greeted by a smiling Seungmin "Come in! I think Chan is excited to see you."

I chuckled and went past Seungmin who closed the door behind me. I instinctively walked through a small corridor towards the living room and saw seven boys sitting there. "Hey everyone!"

At the sound of my voice Chan jumped up and greeted me with a hug. I was a little suprised but wrapped my arm around him for a short moment nevertheless.

"We decided to just order food. I hope that's okay for you?" "Yeah sure, what are we going to do in the mean time?"

Chan began to smirk and I almost regretted asking "There is no mean time, the food is already here. But after that...We'll play truth or truth!" "Isn't it truth or dare?" "We play it my version: Only truth but if you don't want to answer you have to do a dare." I didn't have anything against that idea but for now it was time to eat.

We all sat down around the table and started to chat. I had to constantly remind myself to not talk to Minho as it would ruin our plan.

"Why did you leave JYP back then, Amy? We never really got to say goodbye." Chan asked suddenly, making me choke on my drink.

When I finished coughing I nervously said "Family matters back home. I was simply to lazy to come back and then my friend talked me into joining her basketball team. I think I kinda forgot my wish to become an idol."

"Whatsoever, the first thing we need to do is prepare for the upcoming mv shooting. It's next week and the release will be on the 24th. We already learned the perfomance and everything but we should go over it again. Wouldn't want to mess up already, would you?" Minho said seemingly unbothered.

The others shot him glares before continuing our conversation but I knew based off the look Minho gave me, he only said it to switch topics. And seemingly he wasn't the only one who noticed something was up.

"You alright?" Seungmin who was seated next to my asked in a whisper. I just nodded and continued eating. I wasn't ready to talk about everything just yet and I didn't even lie so it's fine.

During the rest of dinner I could sense worried glances of both Seungmin and Minho but decided to ignore them. When it was time to clean the table I argued until the boys let me do it on my own. I didn't have this guest scheme, for me it was simple: If you got invited the other shouldn't bother with cleaning.

I left the room to go to the kitchen when I heard someone next to me, dropping of the remaining dishes. "You don't need to feel pressured to talk about anything, okay?" I new exactly what Seungmin meant but I didn't want to admit to being vulnerable
"What do you mean?"

"Earlier, I saw you reaction to Chan's question. You don't really seem like the type who lets themself be pressured into anything but I'm just saying. But if you ever do need to talk we are here. Well I don't know about all of us, but Chan and me are here for you. I know we haven't even known each other for a day but that's exactly what I need sometimes: Talk about stuff with a random person."

I was shocked by his words and wanted to hug him but my social anxiety kicked in and I didn't. "Thank you" I whispered barely audible. Seungmin just sent me a reassuring smile and liftet his hand. He seemed to change his mind though because his hand stopped midair and only brushed my arm shortly. Nevertheless we went back to the others who already gathered in a circle waiting for us to join them.

"Come on guys the fun is about to start" Jisung excalimed way too enthusiastic. My mood was immediatly lifted and I sat down next to him. "I'll start!" he continued and took a bottle to find his first victim. It landed on Hyunjin.

Third person PoV.

"Do you think you are the true visual out of the group?" Everyone looked over to Hyunjin, anticipating an answer. "Yes" he said casually taking a sip from his drink.

Everyone hollered at his answer and he just took the bottle and spun it. It landed on Amy. "Be honest as this is a game of truth: Did you have a crush on our Chan back when you were trainees?"

Amy's cheeks turned a little rosy but overall she seemed pretty composed and not flustered. "I had the exact same conversation with my best friend earlier. I wouldn't call it a crush just admiration."

"I saw, no, I see you as my little sister, you can't have a crush on me!" Chan said slightly flustered. "And I don't have one - not back then and definitely not now."

"I have to admit that definitely hurt a bit. Why if I may ask?"
"Just not my type."
The members laughed at Chan and Jisung patted Amy's shoulder in a proud manner.

Shortly back to Amy's PoV.

Now it was my turn to spin the bottle and it landed on Minho. In the short second we looked eyes we agreed that this was the perfect timing to go through with our little 'prank'.

Back to third person PoV. (Minho, Amy)

"Do you think you can do my job better than I?" Amy asked and suddenly everyone went silent.

"Yes. Very much so."

"Proove it then!"

Both Amy and Minho stood up, followed by the others who still didn't know if they should interfere.

"I don't need to proove anything. But you do!"

"Just because you're an idol doesn't mean anything!"

"I got choosen to be an idol for a reason!"

"I got choosen for this job for a reason!"

The athmosphere in the room dropped further and everyone wanted to do something - especially Chan, but he had seen both Amy and Minho in their angry state. And believe him you don't want to mess with either.

"Well I don't see a good reason! What did you do to get this job huh?"

"If I remember correctly you were eliminated! What did you do for that second chance huh?"

By now both of them were screaming and standing face to face. Anger clearly visible in both of their eyes.

"Keep you filthy little mouth shut! You know absolutely nothing! I'm just stating facts: You don't deserve to be here!"

In an instant Amy lunged forward catching everyone of guard. She got a grip on both of Minho's arms and begun shaking him a little while Minho put his hands on her shoulders.

In that exact moment Chan sprinted forward about to seperate them when Minho pulled Amy into a hug and they began laughing. Everyone around them stood confused about what happened and still no one said a word.

"Harsh words, little one, harsh words" Minho said switching positions so that he had Amy in a playful headlook. "I could say the same thing! But it honestly feelt good letting all your anger out, knowing you won't hurt your opponent."

"WAIT WHAT?" Han exclaimed confusion written all over his face. "You planned this? I thought you hated each other or at least didn't get along?", Seungmin asked stepping a little closer.

"That's what you thought", Minho began to explain, "We actually already made up earlier and just wanted to mess with you guys." They all groaned but soon started laughing at themselves for falling for it.

"You should get an oscar!" Jeongin said still laughing. "That's what I'm saying!" Minho had already sat back down and the others joined him.

They spent the rest of the evening just talking and laughing, mostly laughing, before they bid their goodbyes and Amy left to go back to her apartment. They were going to see each other either way the next day.


~I don't know what to think of that "fighting scene"...I just couldn't take myself serious writing this

~until next chapter

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