Chapter 1

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Amy PoV.

"Where is my fucking staff id?", I muttered while I was literally moving everything in my apartment to find it. You see, I was kinda stressed: Today was my first day at work and the first meeting was already starting in 30 minutes. But I could not find this id and without it I won't be let into the company.

I will work at JYP Entertainment from now on as the choreographer and dance teacher for their group Stray Kids. I couldn't allow myself to be late the first day. Good first impression my ass!

I'm someone you need to grow closer til you even understand how my brain works. Good first impressions were ultimately not my thing - you either decide to cope with me longer or you don't.

"There you are!", I sighed in relief after I found the pass and hung it around my neck. I quickly grabbed the bag I previously packed and rushed out of the door. It was a shame I didn't have my license yet but I am glad that my dad made me do a motorcycle license when I was younger. It was almost a faster way to get through the streets of Seoul than taking a car.

I arrived in front of the building 5 minutes prior the meeting. I quickly took of my helmet, placed it inside the case and left my beloved motorcycle behind. It was a present from my father when I got accepted into the National basketball Team Australia and luckily I was able to take it with me when I moved to Seoul. My dad was a little sad when I told him I wouldn't continue my basketball career but was supportive nevertheless.

In general my parents are very supportive of my decisions no matter how stupid they are sometimes. I guess it is because of everything we went through as a family- my parents, my four older brothers and me.

Before I went to the lift to get to the meeting room I had to show my Staff ID and then I was allowed to go. I uncertainly knocked on the door, my heart beating extremely fast and my hands were shaking.

I controlled my breaths like I would always do before walking out on the court, ready for the game to begin. Just this was different: I was alone, I didn't have my teammates right next to me, reassuring each other that we will do good. I couldn't deny in that moment that I missed home, my family, my friends, the feeling I got whenever the ball went through the hoop. I quickly shook my head, my decision to come here was right, dancing is my passion after all.
I hoped it would be a new start for me - a good one.

Suddenly the door opened and a rather tall male stood in front of me. "Nice to meet you. You must be Park Yunai. I'm Mr. Oh, Stray Kids manager. Come in!", he said in his broken English but the simple attempt to talk to me in my native language made me feel welcomed. "Nice to meet you too. And yes that's me", I replied switching back to Korean. He made a sign with his hand for me to take a seat opposite from him. "We already talked about the most important things over the phone but let's go over the main things in person. Shall we?" I just nodded and he started talking again.

"You don't have an official degree in choreography or something of that sort so I hope you are aware of the privilege given to you" Again I simply nodded and let him continue, " Obviously you are not allowed to tell the public that you work for Stray Kids and to ensure that, your face will always be blurred out but I guess you already now that. I don't know the exact motives behind JYP choosing you for this job but he set some rules: According to him the members are often like a bunch of hormonal teenager, so for your own good you are not allowed to wear revealing clothes. Meaning long sleeves shirts and no shorts." I sighed but nodded, I knew something like this would come and it is still better than I thought. I already imagined something like "Don't come closer than 3 feet to any of the members".

"Just one question: What happened to the old dance teacher. In the job offer it read "urgent need for replacement due to unfortunate events", I asked curious of the answer. The last time I asked during my application I only got a shrug as response. "You see" he started, seemingly unsure of what to say next, "He got to unfocused and old in someones opinion. He turned 36 and just became father of triplets. I would probably also be a little unfocused but he has a new job now, not sure where though. So please don't worry that you stole his place or anything." To be honest I was kinda disappointed in the reason but definitely not surprised.

"I think it's time for you to meet the boys! They are in the practice room but I'm to busy to accompany there. I'm sure you'll find you way. After all it will be your new work place." We both said our goodbyes after he gave me some contacts for any kind of emergency. Then I was off to find not only the practice room but also the boys I will be working with from now on.


~first chapter finished! In the next one Amy will be meeting the boys and you'll see Stray Kids opinion on getting a new dance teacher.
~the next chapters will all be a little longer this is just an introduction


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