Chapter 12

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March 30th (four weeks later)

Amy PoV.

"We are lost. Admit it,Ji!"

"No we aren't. I'm sure we are almost there. We just need to go..."

"I don't have a signal here. You are getting us killed, I'm sure of it."

"Shut uuuup. We will be fine."

I shook my head but kept following Jisung through some random forest. We've been walking for a few hours now and apparently we were almost there - just like an hour ago.

Jisung literally kidnapped me after I left college today and took me here, to wherever the hell here is.
He said he wanted to show me some cool hiding spot he always went to as a kid.

To my question he answered the last time he went there was about 15 years ago. Whatever that place is, it propably doesn't even exist anymore.

"Okay we are lost"

"Great. There's no point in turning around though because I have absolutely no idea where we came from."

"Keep going then, I guess. Atleast until we get a signal."

I opened my bag that I luckily managed to grab last minute and took out my MP3-player and my music speaker, which, for some reason, I always carry with me. I connected it and started the playlist on shuffle. Immediately both of our moods were lifted as we began singing.

"I'm not even gonna ask what else you carry in that bag" Jisung chuckled while we walked down a little hill towards a stream that didn't seem wider than a metre. "Be thankful, it may rescue our lifes!"

"I'm cold and exhausted!" Jisung whined after he sprung over the little stream. "I'm not gonna pity you" I followed him while our way was now uphill again.

"Whose idea was this again?" I asked after we walked for about an hour since Jisung admitted we were lost.

"Let's take a break up there" He gestured to a few metre high rock, "We might even have signal up there."

"First you take me on an hour long walk into the nothing and now you want me climb that?"
"Come on, Music off and let's go!"

I shook my head again for the 100th time that day but did as he said. When I sat my foot into a notch and pulled myself up, I noticed that Jisung hasn't moved a centrimetre. "What's wrong?"

"I'm scared of hights" Great, just great. "No problem, I climb up and try to see if I have a signal and then come back down." Jisung nodded so I continued my way up.

I finally reached the top after I scratched my hands, arms and even face several times. "You are lucky I love you Ji or else I would've killed you by now!"

"Love you too!" I shook my head, again. I just sat there for a few moments to regain my breath before I stood up.

"Uhm... Jisung!?!"
"What? What is up there? Do you have a signal?"
"Change of plans, you absolutely need to come up here!"

I started looking around for an easier way up and found one on the other side. "This way, Ji, come up!"

"I'm coming, don't stress me!"

After a few awfully long minutes Jisung also reached the top and dramatically fell on his knees.

"If I ever ask you to do something like this ever again, please decline"
"I did decline"

Jisung stood up and went next to me. "Wow, it's beautiful!" Oh was he right.

In front of us, kinda downhill again was a huge field. It was littered with different flowers, bushes and little trees. Although it was only March the sun shone brightly and made everything lit up with different colours.

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