Chapter 6

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So I decided to not use honorifics in this story anymore because I sometimes get confused and because I'm lazy.

Anyway here is the next part

a week later at the MV shooting

Seungmin PoV.

Today was the day we will be shooting the Music Video for the English version of Double Knot. Well it was more of a performance video but same stress level. Right now we were in Make Up getting some kind of bruises. 'To make you look hotter' they said, bullshit I feel like some wannabe gangster.

When the artist was finished painting my face, Amy came into the room smiling brightly. "The shoot is about to start. Come on, come on. You will rock this!" She came to a halt behind me and put her hands on the back of my chair.

"Why exactly are you in such a good mood?"
"I simply woke up and decided to have one."

I swear this girl's logic is driving me crazy sometimes. She looked at my face through the mirror and slightly tilted her head. "Going for the bad boy vibe, I see."

"More like wannabe gangster" I repeated my thoughst from earlier. "Come on, it atually suits you and everyone else has it to." Saying those words she turned around my chair so that I saw the others sitting on a couch.

She just clapped her hands and left the room again while reminding us that the shoot was about to start. We all got up to followed her out to this platform thingy where we will perform.

Amy was already standing in the middle clapping her hands. That was probably meant for us to get into the start formation, so we did exactly that. We got a few more instructions but I zoned out - we heared them already either way.

Instead I focused on Amy who stood with the other staff and seemed to be chatting. It must have been about something good because even from where I was standing I saw her face lighten up.

When she turned around she coughed my eye and held her thumps up while starting a tiny dance. I chuckled bust quickly regained posture as I heard the starting signal.


"You guys did great! I'd say my teaching payed off but credit where credit belongs: This was your old dance teacher if you are somehow still in contact with him let him know he did a good job."

I don't exactly now why but it made me really proud of myself to hear her say that. I felt like if she said it we really did great out there.

"Get ready guys, you can relax the rest of the day wherever." another staff member said before walking away again.

"We could go to the arcade!"
"What about the amusement park?"
"We could just stay in and relax!"

All kind of different ideas where thrown in and in the end we decided to go to the arcade. We invited Amy and for some reason I was happy she agreed. Even though we've only known her for a week, she fits perfectly into our little group and luckily everyone thought that. We changed into some for comfortable clothes and then drove to the arcade.

When we arrived we wore our masks to not be recognized. We went to get the tickets (a/n I have never been to an arcade so this is just like my imagination of it) and had to push through a crowd to get to the first game. We decided to split in three teams: Amy, Jisung and Felix; Chan, Minho and Hyunjin; Changbin, I.N and me.

The first game was a dancing game were you had to follow a choreo to get points. Everyone in the team had to do it as a team. I looked around to the other teams and mine. "That's not fair! You have Felix and Amy and you have Minho and Hyunjin I have...Changbin and I.N"

Dancing with Stray Kids | Kim SeungminWhere stories live. Discover now