April: Anniversary Wish

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Chris POV

     "Happy Anniversary, babe," I hear whispered in my ear ever so faintly. The precious voice of my wife sounding so timid as I feel her try and get closer to me.

   My eyes don't open, yet I feel my lips turn up as I feel her cold hand rub along my bare back under the sheets. "Ditto, love," I tell her, my morning voice sounding extra raspy.

  "That's doesn't sound good. You feel okay?" she asks with concern.

  I roll over carefully onto my back, wiping the sleep from my eyes. "Yeah. We had a rough call last night and I may have gotten some smoke inhalation. Apparently something was going on with my equipment."

  I should've known the reaction that would get, and yet I still wasn't prepared. "Chris!" She scolds me, her eyes wild. "That's dangerous!"

  I attempt to calm her because I don't want her to add any extra stress to her or the baby."  I sit up straight, resting against the headboard of our bed. "Daphne, calm down. I'm fine. See? I'm here, everything is fine." I open my arms, showing her that there is nothing wrong. The look in her eyes tell me she's not overly convinced.

  "Did you get checked out?"

  One of two ways I can answer this, and I know neither will suffice her worry. 

  "I got my oxygen checked when we got back to the station. It's fine. My throat just feels a bit raw is all," I assure her.  The look she's giving me tells me she doesn't believe me.

  "Maybe you should go to the hospital and get checked over," she attempts to coerce me. 

  I shift over slightly in the bed before urging her into my lap. I spread my legs slightly so she's resting between them, her back against my chest.  Lifting up her tank top my hands find the swell of her stomach where our little Juniper is snuggled tightly. "Juni girl, one thing to know about your mama is that she is a worrier." Daphne quirks her head back, eyes narrowed at me, scoffing over my comment. "Don't lie to your unborn child, babe. You are. Admit it."

  "Fine," she scoffs, placing her hands over my own. 

  "Hand me the cocoa butter," I ask my bride, motioning over to the bedside table.  

  I hold my hand out as she pumps a couple of times into my palm. Daphne pulls her hands from her stomach, resting them on my thighs as I rub her belly. I don't get to help with this every day, but when I'm able I revel in the intimate, precious moment, able to spoil both of my girls.

  The subtle hum falling over Daphne's lips threaten to entice me in other ways, but I don't pursue it, not yet anyways.

  "What would my girls like to do today, in honor of our one year anniversary?" I ask, continuing to massage the lotion in over the slight stretch marks that are beginning to show.

  Daphne's head rests on my shoulder, turning her nose in towards my neck, nuzzling me. "I can think of a few things," she whispers as her lips touch my throat. 

  I find myself chuckling. "Other than the obvious, love. Because trust me, that is a part of the plan." 

  "Can we work on the nursery? Maybe go pick out paint colors and bedding," she asks.

  "Of course, love. What else?" I want this day to be all about her, just as it was a year ago. 

  "Food. Always food."

  "Always. What else?"

  "This isn't just my day, ya know. What about you? What do you want to do?" she asks me. 

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