September 3 Halftime

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Chris continues to glance over at the brunette Oliver had originally stepped away from. He figured it must be his fiancé but wasn't quite convinced. The young woman was around 5 foot 8 with brown hair that's been pulled up into a ponytail, hidden underneath a garnet and gold (West Side's colors from what he gathered) baseball cap. She wore shorts which Chris assumes it's not only due to the heat but because of the brace on her leg as well. He can't tell much more about the woman as all he can see is her backside. But, what he can see he finds quite attractive. She's not rail thin and by no means overweight, but has a nice figure to her. One thing he noticed is that she likes football. She cheered when the team was doing well and yelled at the refs when a poor call (or no call) was made. He hasn't even gotten a straight on look at this woman and already he likes her.

  After a few minutes of conversation Oliver gestures to Chris. "Hey man! Name's Oliver," he says while extending his hand out to Chris.

Chris unfolds his arms from his chest to shake Oliver's hand. "Nice to meet you, Chris Evans."

"I should probably get back over to my sister. I'd hate for her to over do it. She just got cleared to return to work," Oliver told the men with a flick of his head over to Daphne's direction.
"Cleared? Cleared from what?" asked Hayden.
Wait, Chris thought. Sister. Did Oliver say his last name? Did I miss something during my moment of gawking?

There was no time left for Chris to asks his questions aloud as around that time a young boy, around 8, tripped over a divet in the track and skidded landing on his cheek. "Ow!!" The little boy cried. Hayden went to grab the medical kit but Chris stopped him. "I've got it. You guys can catch up."

  While Chris checked over the boys scrapes he kept casting quick glances over in Oliver's sisters direction. The boys parents, having seen a medic helping their son, ran over to discover what was happening.  The bleachers were beginning to empty out on to the track as halftime began. Chris quickly cleaned and bandaged the boys cheek and told his parents that he may have a black eye but that they may also want to call his dentist to check on his teeth due to how hard he hit the pavement. "Thank you so much!" the boy's mother exclaimed. Chris watched the family walk away, somewhat lightly chuckling as he hears the dad scold the son for running and not paying attention to his surroundings.

  Walking back over to join Hayden he sees that Oliver is no longer talking with his friend. "Where did, uh, Oliver head off to?" he questioned while scratching the back of his neck.

  "His sister came over when halftime started and mentioned she was worried she was over doing it so he took her home," Hayden answered.  "He said she was in a car accident around a month ago and has been having to stay with their parents. She's finally going back to her place today and back to work Monday."

  Chris had a puzzled expression on his face. "What's the last name? Or her first name?" He asked Hayden.

  "He didn't say and outside of knowing he's engaged to my cousin I don't know much more. It's never really come up," Hayden said. "Why does that matter to you?" A light bulb suddenly went off in Hayden's brain. "You like her!"  He yelled the last sentence a little loud for Chris's liking.

  Wide eyed Chris begins to fumble over his words. "Uh, no, um, I mean maybe we worked the accident. I was just wondering so, uh, ya know we'd know how she was doing."   Was that enough to save face? Chris thought he might need to go further. "Besides I couldn't see her face anyways."

  "Well pal, she kept tossing glances your way while you patched up that little boys face," Hayden said with a smirk. 

  Chris thought about what Hayden said but was also trying to keep a nonchalant composure. "She was probably concerned about the little boy. Ya know, women and that whole motherly instinct stuff." He silently hoped it was more than that but he doesn't want to risk getting ribbed by his partner.

  Both teams began filing back onto the field as halftime was coming to a close.


  "Thanks for bringing me home, Ollie," Daphne told her brother as he put his car in park outside her home. She was beyond thankful for all the love and support she's had over the last few weeks during her recovery.  "Sorry I pulled you away from Hayden."
  Oliver jumped out of the car and went to help Daphne to her porch. "It's alright. I was hoping to get to know his new partner, Chris,  a bit more but then that kid fell and busted up his face."

   I'd like to get to know his partner too, Daphne thought. Girl, hush. All you know is what he looks like. But oh does he look good. Daphne tried to save face from the blush creeping upon her cheeks and quickly changed the subject.  "Ya know, I've been thinking about doing something nice for the guys at Station 6. You know like a thank you for what they did on the scene and all. Maybe bake cookies or a cake? What do you think," she asked her brother.

  "Sounds like something you would do," he said with a smile.

  After talking a couple more minutes she decided if she wasn't in too much discomfort Saturday morning then she'd bake a few dozen cookies and take them over to the firehouse.  'If I play my cards right maybe Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome will be there, I mean Chris. Oh who am I kidding,' she thought. 'No way is that man single.'

And Then There Was You (Chris Evans AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن