Honeymoon: Happy Birthday?

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Daphne's POV

  I now understand the term "seeing red" except it's literal in the fact that this woman dressed in a barely there red dress has her hands on my husband.

  "Get your damn hands off of my husband!"

  Chris's hands shoot up in the sky to prove a point, that he wasn't a part of this in any way. And yet Jessica's hand remains tight on his leg.

It's amazing the amount of confidence and boldness one can muster when necessary. I've suddenly become a woman I've never met.

  "Did I stutter?" I ask her. "Take your hand off of him."  I'm not really surprised that Chris isn't pushing her away. He is a gentleman and would never put his hands on a woman even in this type of situation. He looks like he starts to stand but realizes if he does her hand would move to an even more delicate location.

  Jessica just continues to glare at me with a smirk, acting as though she's laid claim to my husband. "What on earth are you going to do about it? You're so meek and gullible that I'm sure I could convince you to walk away right now with your tail between your legs. Send you back to your room while I spend a wild, passionate night with your husband. And what's even worse is you'd welcome him back in the morning, waiting on him hand and foot."

  Seething I step closer to her. Chris shifts just right and manages to get out from under her. I lean down, eye level with the smirking woman, grasping her chin in my head. "You know it's the quiet ones you have to worry about right?"

  "Honey, you don't scare me. You're a glorified babysitter," she says to me still smiling. "I could make Chris forget you even exist." 

  She stands in front of me now. I feel Chris's hands on my hips urging me to walk away. I catch him by surprise and kiss him more passionately and seductive than I ever have in public.  He stares back at me stunned. "One minute, love," I tell him before turning my attention back to the skank in red.  "Whose name do you think Chris will be panting out tonight? Oh, that's right. Mine. Who will he be making scream tonight? Me. Go back to your nasty, jackass of a husband and leave mine alone." 

  Chris takes my hand and we make our way out of the club never looking back at the home wrecker.

"I swear I didn't do anything, Daphne. I promise! I swear!" Chris says in an effort to convince me.

"I know," I tell him. "I know. Apparently she had us all fooled but she's so much like her husband."

Chris nods in agreement. We're walking towards the elevator but he makes a detour and pulls me through a door that leads to the outside of the boat. He brings me over to the railing, standing directly in front of him. Chris cups my face with both of his hands. He searches my eyes, seeing if I truly am okay. Finding his answer he kisses me sweetly. "Better?" I ask him with a small smile.

"A little," he starts. "You weren't kidding about a hot night of foreplay. I gotta say, you taking charge, laying claim, big turn on." His hands now sit on my hips, grip tightening.

I can't help but smirk. "Meet you on the balcony in ten," I say as I walk away with a little extra sway in my step.


  I roll over in the bed onto my left side. In the process I start to feel strange. My head feels like it's swimming. When I open my eyes the room is spinning. Laying flat on my back again the spinning stops. I stay this way for a few moments. Glancing at the clock I see it's just 4 AM.

  Chris is sleeping peacefully next to me. The slightest snores escaping over his perfect pink lips. We have to be up soon to go to our helicopter ride to see the sunrise.

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