Honeymoon: Captain's Dinner

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   After the disruption to their afternoon Daphne finally treated herself to a long soak in the tub. Her tired muscles ached, along with her heart. She's still mildly upset about the disagreement she had with Chris but is doing her best to push it aside.

Daphne knew marriage wasn't all sunshine and roses but she did expect to get through their honeymoon without yelling at one another. She can count the number of times she's seen him angry and it's definitely less than a handful. But each of those times was because of how she'd been treated. She hadn't seen him get upset like this over another female and she's be lying if she said it didn't bother her. But it didn't just bother her, it was beginning to consume her with worry.

As she lays back in the tub she lets her mind wander. Has he lost interest already? She's finally given herself fully to him. Maybe it's just not good enough. Maybe she doesn't measure up to what he's had before so he wants to keep looking. She's pulled from her toxic thoughts by a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey beautiful. Thought you might like a Coke, heavy ice, just the way you like it," Chris says as he walks in carrying a glass over to the tub.

"Thanks," she says taking the glass from him.

Chris can see the sadness behind Daphne's eyes, knowing he's the cause of it. He sits down on the floor next to the tub. "I'm not going to say anything to Jessica. You're right. It's not my place."

Daphne let's out a breath that she knew in fact she'd been holding in for most of the afternoon. "I think that's best," she tells him. "You have a very protective nature, which I love, but I'd feel more comfortable if you didn't shower it on random women."

  He nods his head in understanding. "I never meant for it to come across like I was choosing her. I just struggle with liars. But in a week we won't see them again. Their relationship is their business. You, Daphne, are my business and that's all that matters."

  Daphne hums a light sigh feeling like 'her' Chris is finally back. "Well then, why don't you join me and take care of your business," she offers cheekily.

  Chris stands up, kicks off his shoes and climbs in the tub fully clothed sending Daphne into a fit of laughter. He pulls her back to his chest and showers her in sloppy kisses as she tries to catch her breath, water spilling over the side to flood the floor.

Daphne's POV

  "Babe, if you don't hurry we won't get there early enough to choose our seats at the table," Chris calls out to me from the bedroom.

  "Perfection takes time, Evans," I say as I put on my lipstick. Giving myself approval with one last look in the mirror I decide 'it is what it is' and walk out.

  Chris has his back to the bathroom door as he says, "you're perfect in anything, love, but we need to go."  He hasn't realized I'm sitting on the bed tightening the ankle strap to my heel. He turns, seeing me fumbling with the strap and let's out a catcall whistle.

  I'm wearing a rust colored strapless dress that hugs my God given curves. A slit runs on one side just above my knee almost to mid thigh with a small ruffle along the slit. Classy and sassy as Rene said when she found it.

Chris takes my hand, urging me from the bed. He carefully twirls me around for his eyes to take me in. That familiar groan of his telling me how much he likes it. "Who says we need to go to dinner?" He says pulling me closer to him.

"Come on now. You promised me a night of dancing," I remind him as I gently push him towards the door.

He turns around grabbing me somewhat roughly. "Who says the dancing has to be vertical?" Those dang eyebrows of his getting a work out again. He crushes his lips to mine and steals my breath and makes my knees weak. As he pulls back I take my finger and wipe the lipstick away from his mouth.

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