Chapter 7: The Truth Part 2

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WARNING: MENTIONS OF PHYSICAL AND  MENTAL ABUSE, TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS AND RAPE/SEXUAL ASSAULT. If you do not feel comfortable reading this, please do not read it. I will put a warning for the bits that mention triggering topics such as these. Please remember that you are perfect and amazing and not alone. I love you all! 

3rd Person POV:

Chija could feel her stomach doing flips as she started telling her deepest secret to the boys who she cared so deeply for. "The person who keeps calling me is someone who I tried to push out of my life for so long. His name is Jeognhan. When I was around 13 years old, I made friends with the new kid at our school. He was so sweet and kind, and much like me and my brother, he was Korean too. I thought I had finally found someone who I could relate to since I was the only other Korean at my school apart from him and my brother..." She started, her breaths becoming short and her throat running dry. Jisung could see her struggling, so he placed his hand on her knee, rubbing it soothingly as Minho rubbed her back.

"After a few years, we slowly became closer and he eventually asked me out when I turned 16. I was so happy that someone who had I taken a real interest in felt the same way as well. I, of course, said yes, and so we started to go out."  She swallowed, her eyes stinging with tears as she had to think about those horrible memories once more. "By the time I was 18, I thought I had found the one for me. I thought that we would end up growing old and loving one another for the rest of our lives. It wasn't until we moved in together did my perception of him changed..."  She whispered, unconsciously rubbing her neck as she remembered all the pain she went through. 

Warning: Slight mention of mental abuse

Bangchan and Seungmin felt their hearts hurt as they rubbed her hands reassuringly. Chija smiled at the boys as she continued speaking. "It started small: If I had forgotten to fold the laundry or take out the garbage that day, he would get really pissed off and start rambling on about how pathetic I was at housework. At first, I thought it was just because he would get so stressed from work and school, so he would take that out on me. It was until he-" Chija cut herself off as she choked down a sob. "I'm sorry- It's really hard to-" "It's alright Chija, take your time. We aren't going anywhere..." Felix smiled softly, kissing her temple as she took a deep breath. 


"I had just turned 20 at the time and we had gone out to celebrate. I was so happy because for the first time in a while, Jeonghan wasn't angry with me. He was smiling and laughing. He even got me a birthday gift and took me out to dinner that night. Unfortunately, I had a little too much to drink. We got home and Jeonghan helped me to the apartment. Once we got into the house, I tried to go to the bathroom to get ready for bed, but Jeonghan refused to let me go. I was scared and confused. Instead, he just pushed me to the bedroom and locked the door. I was terrified at this point and had sobered up out of fear. I asked him what he was doing, but he didn't answer. I begged him to tell me what was going on, but he refused. He tied me to the bed and gagged me. He... he took so much from me that night... My innocence, my pride, my freedom and my life. I felt weak, pathetic... I felt worthless after that night..." Chija whispered hoarsely, her throat dry from keeping her cries at bay. 


The boys all looked at her with mixed expressions. Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin looked shocked, Felix and Hyunjiin looked sad and upset, meanwhile, Bangchan, Changbin and Minho looked as though they were ready to rip off someone's head; that someone being Jeonghan. "Chija-ah, you don't have to continue if t's too difficult for you-" "No, you all deserve to know my past, no matter how dark and scary it may be..." Chija cut off Changbin as she continued to speak. 


"After about a week of him using me for his own personal benefits, he started to get physical with me. He would beat me for the smallest mistake I made. Whether it be I cooked the food wrong or was 10 minutes late from the store; he always found a reason to leave me black and blue. I was never allowed out of the house without him with me, I couldn't talk to my family or friends without him in the same room. He controlled every aspect of my life, from what I ate to how long I slept for. I had finally had enough when he asked me to give him children..." She spat with hatred lacing her voice. 


"There was no way I would put my children through that, no matter what, they deserved a better father than him. I stood up for myself, I said no and left then and there. I went to my parents and told them everything. We contacted the police and I got a restraining order and left. I came to Korea, hoping to start a new chapter of my life; one without him ruining and controlling my thoughts and decisions." Chija sniffled softly, looking at all the boys who looked at her with the same warm, loving look in their eyes.

"I got a job at a local office that I had been transferred to and after a few months of working there, I was transferred here where I was given the best job in the world: Being with you boys. I wouldn't change a thing in past if it meant I got to be here for the rest of my life. I may have gone through hell, but you boys... you make hell worth it. The one thing I ever wanted in life was to be happy and make others around me feel the same, and I think... I finally accomplished that. So thank you, for being there for me throughout my new chapter..."  Chija smiled lovingly, her heart aching with love as the boys all stood up and gathered her in a group hug. A chorus of 'I love you' and 'We will never leave you' could be heard as they all squeezed the girl they all held deep within her hearts. 

Even though Chija had been through so much pain and misery, she would do it all again just to be where she is right now... In the arms of the men that she would go to the end of the Earth for; the men who she would walk through Hell and back just to see them smile... The eight men who she could say without a shadow of doubt owned her entire body, soul, and heart, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Jeonghan (Played By Song Joong-ki) 

Lol sorry, I love him but when I wrote the character this was the guy who popped into my mind

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Lol sorry, I love him but when I wrote the character this was the guy who popped into my mind. Hope you all liked this chapter (It was sort of a filler and also helped set up the backstory for when I introduced some ~Drama~) Love you all! Until next time~

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