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There were few ways that Frankie preferred to spend her time than skating, she always loved feeling the world spin by on her four wheels as fast as she could make them run

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There were few ways that Frankie preferred to spend her time than skating, she always loved feeling the world spin by on her four wheels as fast as she could make them run. Much to her delight, with her day free until the evening she did just that, half her day at the skate park, watching others and then working on a trick that had been plaguing her for weeks, and then riding until she felt her calves burn and her limbs loosen.

An entire day had passed before she finally made it home, collapsing onto her couch with takeaway. She lay in silence until her phone beeped with Elijah's message that reluctantly pulled her from her seat to the shower.

She didn't end up going until later, though she wanted to see Davina and knew it would be honouring her, she couldn't force herself to attend the festival itself knowing how much it would delight the witch Genevive. No, instead she decided she'd attend the party afterwards, she'd come a little way in the middle so she could avoid the awkward part at the beginning where everyone mingled, she'd snag a little booze which was always free flowing at a New Orleans supernatural party, and then she'd talk to Davina before returning home to bed by midnight.

What a delightful little plan she'd thought up in her head, how smoothly she hoped, and truly believed, the evening would go.

When she arrived, she was surprised to see Josh there conspiring in the corner with Davina where she rounded on them both, tugging each of them into hugs of relief. She'd barely spoken to either in weeks and though she was nearly the same age as Josh and only a little older than Davina she felt like she needed to take care of them and had been worrying.

"Ow," Josh mumbled when Frankie pulled away from the hug and promptly punched him on the shoulder, "Missed you too, not like I'm risking life and limb to be here or anything."

"Why haven't you called me?" she snapped, "I've been worried sick about you, both of you!"

"All good Mama bear," Josh grinned at her, "Didn't want you getting in trouble with-"

"With me, Joshua?" Klaus' voice cut in and Frankie watched as both Davina and Josh's faces fell, focusing on the voice coming from behind her that she was sure by their expressions meant he was approaching,
"What a fortunate coincidence, finding you here. We have unfinished business."

"You need to leave," Davina snapped, stepping towards Klaus with a furious look on her face, "Right now."

"Klaus," Frankie had spun to face him too by this point and she was glowering at him with just as much rage as Davina, "Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

"Patience, Francesca," he grinned, speeding around her to grab Josh by the neck, "Come along, lad."

"Frankie," Davina's face was furious but Frankie could see the terror bubbling beneath the surface as Klaus dragged Josh to the centre of the room, "What do I do, I'm not strong like before and the other witches won't help -"

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