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Things were different after Rebekah left

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Things were different after Rebekah left. Though she hadn't truly spent that much time in the compound while in New Orleans, the place felt colder without her. Hayley was gone too, off with the crescent wolves in the bayou now their curse had been lifted. Only Elijah and Klaus remained and their relationship was more tenuous than normal.

Elijah and Frankie had gotten close, closer still though neither quite knew what to call their friendship. They enjoyed each others company and perhaps until they knew more that would be enough for them both. It was more often than not now that Elijah spent the night, him visiting her after work or for dinner, popping by to bring her lunch and then inevitably staying later.

Frankie rarely visited the compound now, she couldn't stand it. Klaus' newest conquest was the little redheaded witch who kidnapped and slit Frankie's throat and though she wasn't one to want revenge, seeing her lay around the house in scraps of lingerie with Klaus' mischievous grin made her blood boil in rage and disgust.

The first time she'd seen them was barely a few days after Rebekah left, she came to talk to Elijah and when she couldn't find him in his room nor the common areas, she'd made her way to Klaus' room. She'd felt her chest clench in pain when she saw her, laying in his bed with him watching her, a paintbrush in hand as he turned lazily to catch Frankie's eye.

"Lovely isn't it," he'd grinned at Frankie, "I always enjoy a-"

"What's going on?" Frankie asked, a harshness pushed into her voice as she tried to disguise the anxiety that bubbled at the sight of the woman who'd nearly caused her death. If Klaus detected the racing of her heart he didn't let it show, instead turning and beckoning the witch to him.

"Genevieve love," Klaus sighed as he summoned the woman watching them with a smirk, "give us a minute will you."

Genevieve didn't let her annoyance show through as she stepped from the bed and wrapped a kimono around her shoulders. Before she left however she made sure to pull Klaus into a kiss that went on so long Frankie had to clear her throat to grab their attention.

"What the fuck?" she snapped when Genevieve finally tore herself away, the door clicking shut behind her, "You do remember that woman tortured Rebekah?"

"And as a consequence, the truth of Rebekah's treachery was revealed," he smirked, the paintbrush falling beside his palette as he gave her his focus, "Is this all you came for, love, to remind me of my dearly departed sister?"

"She's not dead, don't talk about her like she is," Frankie growled, her arms crossing her chest, "I came by to see Elijah, he wasn't in his room and I wanted to know if you knew where he was. My phone is dead but I wanted to talk to him before work."

"Apologies, I've been rather ensconced in other pursuits, haven't quite kept up with Elijah's whereabouts."

"Clearly," she rolled her eyes at the veiled mention of Genevieve, "You told Cami you'd help her, instead she hasn't heard from you in a week. You said you'd help and instead you're in bed with the woman who slit my throat and tried to blackmail Cami into stabbing you with the magic torture knife."

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