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Klaus did force her to stay at her brothers apartment and he did force Robert, the hybrid, to stay with her but without her granting him an invitation in, he was stuck outside, waiting by the door to at least ensure she didn't leave

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Klaus did force her to stay at her brothers apartment and he did force Robert, the hybrid, to stay with her but without her granting him an invitation in, he was stuck outside, waiting by the door to at least ensure she didn't leave. She didn't, she couldn't be bothered really, Frankie was tired and flying always gave her a headache. Instead she lay on her brothers couch, flicking through Netflix until she eventually fell asleep.

She was woken by Klaus barging into the apartment in a rage, she didn't know how he'd gotten the apartment door unlocked much less why exactly he'd chosen to visit her and yet twenty minutes later she was sleepily sat listening as he paced back and forth in front of her, explaining what the Salvatores had done and how he'd won. Frankie couldn't really care less how the evening had ended, she was somewhat glad Klaus wasn't dead, she didn't exactly hate him now, but really she just wanted to be able to live a life again that wasn't dictated by his whims.

Finally he took a breath, pausing for a moment which she used to cut in, "So you're going to undagger your family now that your father is dead? Once Elijah is awake you'll no longer drag me around with you 'to keep me safe', right?"

"Oh don't sound so wounded," Klaus rolled his eyes, "Yes, I'll undagger them once I leave."

"Night, night," she grinned, gesturing to the front door as she lay back on the couch, "Would you turn the light off when you go?"

"I wasn't done," Klaus protested, still eager to continue offloading about the evening, "I mean, they actually thought-"

"Oh my god," she groaned, tossing the remote at him, "It's two am, fuck off. I, unlike you, am not immortal, and while you may be able to waste hours talking about this I don't care to. Goodnight."

Klaus did leave and fortunately this time she thought to deadbolt the apartment and switch her phone off. The second choice was certainly the more important one because when she'd woken the next day she had sixteen missed calls from Klaus. She wasn't someone to listen to voicemails often, she couldn't care less and if it was important she figured they'd call back but in the instance of not wanting Klaus to call, she did listen.

That was how her life shifted, Klaus' familial coffins were stolen and whilst he stayed put in Mystic Falls, terrorising the residents until they were returned, she was forcefully made to stay with him.

Fortunately she didn't actually have to stay with him, even Klaus accepted that likely one of them would murder the other if that happened, but she was coerced into staying in town, allowed to stay in her brothers apartment. Her brother, luckily enough, spent most every night as pseudo guardian of the Gilbert siblings and so had no qualms about allowing her to stay at his apartment, much preferring that to her staying with Klaus himself.

She'd gotten a job at the Mystic Grill, after the first week when it was clear that Klaus had no plans of letting her leave town soon and so she was working five days a week, getting closer to her brother and absolutely avoiding all the supernatural drama that both he and Klaus were wrapped up in.

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