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In the peace of the moment when Elijah and Klaus left to follow Genevieve, Frankie searched for Cami

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In the peace of the moment when Elijah and Klaus left to follow Genevieve, Frankie searched for Cami. Frankie was worried about her fried. She didn't want to bombard her, she knew space was important at times like these, but she didn't want to leave her alone truly either, lest the loneliness make her feel worse.

Searching the bar, Frankie realised how close to the deep end of tipsy she was. A twinge of regret over her need to down quite so much liquor to tolerate the wake began to bubble away. Still, she could hold it together enough to make it to the end of the dreadful day and finally in the tiny room of Rousseau's that she and Cami would take breaks in, she found her friend.

"Hey," Frankie called, knocking gently on the door and hovering so Cami could send her away if she wanted peace, "I wanted to check in on you."

"Frankie, hey," Cami's face moved and the emptiness that seemed to encompass her moments ago switched as it was flooded with guilt, "About yesterday, I'm so sorry. I was-"

"Dealing with a load of shit," Frankie cut in when Cami trailed off, grinning weakly as she sat on the table in front of her, "It's nothing."

"I was awful. You were only trying to help me out and I made you and Josh- Oh god."

"Cam," Frankie said seriously, "honestly it's forgotten. I was over it before we even left and Josh is too I'm sure. Pretty sure both Klaus and Marcel have made him be part of way shittier things and Klaus literally made me travel around while he tortured people and tried to make hybrids so it's miles from the worst thing I've seen. Besides, we're your friends, we're on your side no matter what. It's all good."

Cami smiled gratefully, "Thank you. Sorry I couldn't really talk at the funeral, it was a lot."

"I get it."

Cami smiled again though Frankie could still see the thoughts running through her head. She hated that her friend was so filled with guilt especially as Frankie had forgotten every element of the day before aside from the worry that engulfed her as she thought of her friend.

She remembered the way she was when her brother died. Elijah's comfort and the way she was so sharp to him despite every kindness. She knew what it was like to be so gripped with grief you could barely hold onto reality.

There was another pause where Cami clearly ran the events of the day prior in her head and Frankie waited patiently as she prepared to assure her friend it was okay.

"I was out of line when I bought your brother up," Cami added, her eyes studying her hands grasping themselves in her lap, "if someone said something like that to me about Sean, like it was my fault-"

"Don't be so hard on yourself, you're going through a load of shit. Your uncle- It was fucked. I'm sorry that everything that's happened, happened. I wish everything, everything with all of them, Sean, and Ric, and your uncle, never happened. None of them deserved what they went through. It all fucking sucks but you don't need to feel guilty for yesterday because you were going through it, it's not on you."

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