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Moving back into the city that Frankie had fled from was surprisingly easy

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Moving back into the city that Frankie had fled from was surprisingly easy.

When she'd finally returned all the calls from her brother and explained what'd happened he was sad to know she was leaving though he pushed a happy facade forwards. Frankie was pleased Alaric understood because it helped settle a little of the guilt that she was leaving him. Instead of questioning her decision or suggesting she reconsider, Alaric had been good when he heard, grinning with delight to hear things had gone well with Elijah and eagerly offering to pack up and post her things for her. 

Secretly she could feel her heart clench just a little that something would happen to him again but it was a fear that she was working to control and one that she wouldn't let control her anymore.

Things were good for her here, almost all of her work was online and so aside from a few awkward digital meetings it was easy enough for her to switch into an entirely new city. Her apartment had been in good nick too, she started actually paying rent again though it was weird talking to her landlord who presumed she'd never left. Cami and her were close and revelled in the fact that they needn't stay up till three am talking anymore over FaceTime and could now fill their lives with coffee and dinner dates together.

Then there was Elijah.

Elijah was great. Elijah was more than just great, he made her heart pound in her chest and filled her with happiness. Everything about Elijah delighted her and everything about being with him brought her peace. They were a pair that just clicked and everything from their talks to their dinners to the nights they stayed together were easy and fun. Nothing made her feel more at ease than when she was with him, she felt most herself when he was there, the same her only less anxious and more together.

Their nights together were something that were far from an anomaly. They took turns staying with one another though they seemed to spend more time at the compound, his enormous bed and room winning though Frankie was partial to the fact that at her place they had an entire apartment to themselves and no one potentially hearing them.

They spent the night before at Elijah's. Accompanied by her laptop, Frankie intended on taking advantage of the space to work so when she took breaks they could hang out. It was a good plan and one that Elijah wholeheartedly supported but before she began she needed a coffee.

After mumbling her intentions to Elijah she slid from the bed, tugging his shirt over her jeans and sliding her sneakers on. They'd both had a late night and for once he was sleeping in while she woke and she intended on leaving him be.

The cafe that Frankie liked wasn't far from the compound and with her board at her apartment she instead went on foot, texting Elijah to let her know if he woke up and wanted a coffee too.

She was halfway down the street when she noticed someone tailing her. The street was somewhat busy, enough that she didn't think she'd be taken but she still had a pitiful track record for kidnappings and it made her nervous nonetheless.

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