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Somehow in the night Frankie and Elijah had shifted

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Somehow in the night Frankie and Elijah had shifted. Rather than her being pulled close to his chest with his arm around her waist, she now lay half on top of him, her head pressed into the crook of his neck, held tight by his arm while their legs tangled beneath the sheets.

"'Lijah," Frankie groaned, spinning in his grip as she tried to pull away, "I want to get up, let me go."

"Hmm," Elijah grinned cockily. Though he'd been asleep when she'd first tried to shift away, he was more than awake now, spinning them quickly so he could cage her beneath him, his arms either side of her head while his fingers lazily twirled through the ends of her hair, "No, I don't think I will."

Frankie rolled her eyes in mock annoyance as she fought to keep the smile pressing itself to her lips, she had to repress a laugh at Elijah's lighthearted behaviour. Truly she liked how playful Elijah was with her. Normally so serious and steadfast, when it was just them both it felt like he was always teasing her, one of them often grinning or laughing at the other.

It was easy to forget her anxieties when she was with him, she enjoyed how light he made her feel, it was as though Elijah took each fear that ran through her and tucked it all away.

"This is why Rebekah's my favourite," she said shortly, watching Elijah's smirk widen in amusement at the low blow that was slowly becoming less true with each evening she spent with him.

He laughed at her attempts be cruel to him and to wriggle away, finally pulling her in for a kiss before loosening his arm so she could slide out. Watching her he could feel his heart race, delighted by her in his bed and then in only his shirt as she roamed the room searching for her clothes.

"Where are you going?" he asked, propping himself up on his arms as his eyes followed her, a little surprised when she tugged her jeans back on and prepared to leave so early when she'd often stay till early afternoon.

"Work," she rolled her eyes, grinning when he stood from the bed and passed her the shoes she'd been searching for though they sat in their place by the door, "Remember, the place I haven't been in a week because someone keeps trying to murder or kidnap me when I'm there. Pretty sure the only reason I haven't been fired is because my witch manager feels bad all her cousins are the ones trying to kill me."

"Oh," Elijah seemed surprised by this because his face furrowed uncertainly, "Do you want me to-"

"Please don't offer to compel me out of work again," she laughed, "I do like working Elijah and despite my track record I promise I'm not going to be kidnapped every time I step foot out of the house."

Whether he agreed with her on that or not he didn't say. Instead Elijah studied her in her stillness with her hands on her hips, taking the opportunity too to step forwards and snake his arm around her waist, "What else do you like?"

"Hmm," Frankie laughed, leaning back in his grip to cross her arms thoughtfully, "Well I like my dearly departed skateboard, my notebook I haven't seen in like four days because I keep forgetting to visit my own home-"

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