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Jeongin's P.O.V

Opening my eyes slowly, I realized I was still on the couch snuggled up to Chan. I sat up, looking around the room as my eyes adjusted to the bright light shining in through the windows. I was still in my skirt and sweater but Chan had woken me up a little bit after I had fallen asleep to help me take my tail out and my collar off. He didn't want me to feel uncomfortable.

I turned my attention back to the sleeping man beside me, admiring his features. He looks so peaceful while he sleeps. I can't believe I yelled at him last night...That I was mad at him for even a moment. I know that none of this is his fault. How could it be? If anything, he's doing everything in his power to prevent things like last night from happening. And honestly, I'm so thankful to have him in my life. Not just because I have someone here to protect me during these times, because I've always had Felix, but because he really cares for me in a way that nobody else does. Yes, Felix takes care of me and genuinely cares about my well-being, but Chan wants to make sure that I've eaten, that I feel alright, that I'm comfortable, that I'm happy, in ways that Felix can't.

"It's not polite to stare, Baby Boy." "Huh?" Chan was looking at me through hooded eyes, a wide smile on his face. I guess I must have zoned out. "Sorry..." He just chuckled, sitting up and stretching as he let out a yawn. "How do you feel?" I moved so that I was straddling his waist, feeling as though it would be more comfortable to talk to him this way. "I feel better." He smiled, causing my heart to flutter. His smile still brings butterflies to my stomach.

"Daddy?" "Yes, Baby Boy?" And that name. He refers to me as his 'baby boy' so effortlessly, like it's my god given name. Like it comes naturally. The name still brings heat to my cheeks and warmth to my chest. "I'm sorry I yelled at you last night." "I am not upset at you, Baby." He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "If you need to yell and scream and vent, I would rather you take it out on me than hold it in. Okay?" I smiled softly, "Okay, Daddy."

"Good. Now, we have the whole house to ourselves today, so we can do whatever you'd like to do." I thought for a second before bouncing slightly in my spot with excitement, earning a glare from Chan. Oops... "Can we have an outside day?" His brow raised out of confusion, signaling me to explain. "Like, we could put up a tent, put out some blankets and a couple sleeping bags, maybe bring a laptop and watch movies, eat snacks. Have a nice and cozy outside day." His eyes lit up and a huge smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, Baby. We can do that." I giggled, bouncing once again, only to be held down by my waist by Chan. "How about you go change into some comfy clothes, get Daddy's laptop, and I'll set everything up. You can also pick out the snacks if you'd like." I squealed with excitement, placing a quick kiss to his lips before running off to our bedroom.

I decided to change into some basic baby blue shorts, a white crop top, and my white knee high socks. I've missed wearing my knee highs. I grabbed Chan's laptop and headed downstairs to the kitchen. We could use some apple slices, some chips, some peanut butter and I might as well grab a couple soft drinks as well since having milk outside wouldn't be the best idea. I cut up a couple apples, placing them in a bowl along with some peanut butter. I placed the bowl and the soft drinks on top of Chan's lap top before grabbing the chips and heading outside.

My mouth fell open upon seeing the setup Chan had been working on. He had set up a decently sized tent adorned with the string lights we used in the fort. How did he set up the tent so quickly? And by himself? The tent was facing the house, and as I followed his gaze, I noticed how there was a movie playing on the side of the building. Is there a projector? What is happening?

Chan approached me, wrapping his arms around my waist and taking hold of the items I was about to drop. "What do you think? It's a little more than just casual camping, but Hyunjin has this projector for massive movie nights so I figured we could use it today." I turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck and pecking his lips. "I love it. It's so cozy and beautiful." He smiled warmly at me before heading towards the tent. "I'm going to leave this here with you while I go change, okay?" "Okay, Daddy."

I ran inside the house alongside Chan and quickly grabbed Oliver before running back out to the tent. Smiling to myself, I looked around the tent at all of the little lights, admiring how they shine. Picking up Oliver, I played with his feet while I waited for Chan to come back. I'm excited to have a day with just the two of us. I love hanging out with the guys, but it's going to be so nice to have Chan to myself all day. We can cuddle, snuggle, just be here for one another with no interruptions while we have a cozy day watching movies in the backyard.

"What are you thinking about, Baby Boy?" Chan smiled softly at me as he crawled into the tent, dressed in a pair of sweats and a baggy t-shirt. Even in the most simple of outfits he still looks amazing. "I'm just excited to have you to myself today." His smile grew, his eyes glistening. "Come here." I crawled onto his lap, resting my hands on his chest as his landed on my thighs. His eyes searched mine, but for what I'm not too entirely sure. "What?" I whispered, feeling my cheeks heating up under his gaze. "I'm just admiring you." He spoke softly as his eyes began wandering across my body. "I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend."

As his eyes reached mine once again, I couldn't help but smile. "I love you, Daddy." "I love you, too, Baby Boy." His eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips. "Can I kiss you?" "God, yes." Chan closed the space between us, his lips attaching to mine. Whenever we kiss, I feel as though we're meant for each other. Our lips seem to mold together perfectly. Like we were made for one another.

We pulled back from the kiss, breathing a little heavy. Chan rested his forehead against mine, smiling softly. "Can we stay like this for a while?" I whispered, taking hold of his hand and intertwining our fingers. "Of course, Baby."

I rested my head on his shoulder, sighing contently, as he wrapped his arms around my waist, rubbing soft circles onto the small of my back. I wish we could stay like this forever. Just Chan and I. Holding each other. No fear. No Raein. No trouble. Just us.

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