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We're about half way through The Princess and The Frog. Seungmin is asleep with his head resting on Hyunjin's shoulder who is just so giddy that Seungmin is asleep on him. I feel like he'll never sleep now because of how gleeful he is. Felix is texting Changbin, trying to be quiet but failing miserably because every time Changbin sends a text he squeals with excitement. I smiled to myself as I looked around the room at those close to me, really happy to have moments like these. Where everyone is happy and content. It makes me feel happy that others are happy. And it makes me feel better when I know I can be with those I love and just chill. Not have to try or do anything major. I love this.

I was currently wrapped in Chan's embrace as my back was against his chest. I feel safe and comfortable like this. Chan began to play with my tail, twirling it around his fingers, brushing it, just messing with it in general. "Daddy~ Stop." I whined, turning around to face him. "Hey, if you can wear it I can play with it." "Fine." I pouted, returning to my previous position.

The movie went on in silence, but a comfortable silence. Felix had fallen asleep so he wasn't making any more sounds, Hyunjin finally knocked out from being so excited, his head resting on top of Seungmin's. I took out Chan's phone and snapped a photo of them. I know for sure that Hyunjin is going to obsess over it and I feel like Seungmin will in secret. My eyes were beginning to become very droopy and I think Chan noticed because he picked me up and laid me down on the couch. "You need to go to sleep, Baby Boy." He handed me Oliver and then proceeded to cover me up with a couple blankets. "Where are you going to sleep?" "I'll be fine, Baby. But you need your rest." Shaking my head, I sat up, hugging Oliver close to my chest. "I don't wanna go to bed if you're not with me." "Baby, I'm going to be right here." "No." I huffed, crossing my arms and pouting, trying to look upset. I think I ended up looking more cute than upset because Chan just cooed at how adorable I look.

"If I lay down with you, will you go to sleep?" I quickly nodded yes, reaching out my arms and making grabby hands. I know for a fact that Chan cannot resist grabby hands. He smiled warmly at me before laying down beside me, pulling me close to him. I rested my head on his chest, sighing in content as I closed my eyes. Chan pressed a kiss to the top of my head before whispering, "I love you, Baby Boy." "I love you too, Daddy."


"Yes, Mrs. Yang, I understand. No, we're going to get him a new phone today. Yes. Bye, Mrs. Yang." Felix sighed as he hung up the phone, sending me a look from across the room. "Your mother is furious that you destroyed your phone." "Oops?" He chuckled, getting up from his spot and walking upstairs. "Be ready in ten, we are going to go buy you another phone." "But-" "Now, Jeongin."
As I walked into Chan and I's room, I noticed how Chan was fast asleep in our bed. He's always so tired. Having insomnia must be really hard on him. He tries not to show it and pretends to be asleep when I am, but I know he's not. He can't. I feel so bad for him. Walking up to him, I placed a gentle kiss onto his forehead, earning a soft smile. "Thank you, Baby." "You're welcome, Daddy. Um, Felix is taking me to get a new phone, so I'll be gone for a little while." He instantly sat up in bed, concern written on his face. "I'm going with you guys. You can't go alone." "I'm not alone, Felix will be there." He only shook his head, getting out of bed. "I don't want that bastard to have any advantage."

I sighed, knowing that I could not change his mind, no matter how hard I tried. I know he's coming from a good place. But I want him to sleep. I quickly got dressed in a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, go figure, a light blue crop top, and my beat up Van's. "Daddy, can I wear one of my collars?" "As long as it doesn't have a bell on it." I pouted, loving the ones that have a bell on them. They're so fun, especially since I know that they make Chan go crazy.

I decided upon a simple black collar with an o-ring. Chan walked out of the closet, dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a sleeveless black top. "Fuck me." I mumbled, eyeing him up and down. He grinned, tugging softly on my collar, "Gladly." "Come on, Jeongin!" Felix shouted from the hallway. Chan placed a soft and sweet kiss to my lips before taking hold of my hand and leading us both downstairs.


"I don't want a different phone. I want my phone." "Well they don't make yours anymore, Baby. You're gonna have to find a newer one that you like." I whined, not wanting one of these newer ones. Yeah, sure, my phone was a few generations behind, but I loved it. I don't want something newer, I liked my basic phone.

I finally just decided to get the same phone that Felix and Seungmin have. I think it's a Samsung? As we were leaving the store, Chan took my phone from me and smiled, "Let's take a photo of us for your background." My cheeks flushed pink as we posed and he took the photo. He did something on my phone before handing it back to me, smiling like a little kid. I looked at the background on my homescreen and smiled to myself. I'm keeping that forever.

We decided to walk around the mall and just waste some time. Felix and I were squealing about this really cute toy shop, Chan just smiling at us. We were all having a good time just messing around and talking. Until I felt like we were being watched. Maybe not even we, just me.

"Jeongin? What's wrong?" I shook my head softly, searching the mall. "I feel like somebody's watching us." They both tensed up, Chan immediately taking hold of my hand and keeping me close. "Do you see anybody?" As my eyes scanned the mall's corridors, I could notice somebody sitting at one of the tables outside of a shop. They seemed to be messing with their phone, but because they were wearing sunglasses, I couldn't be so sure. After a few seconds of me staring, they looked up and grinned, sending shivers down my spine.

"Him." I pointed towards the person, feeling as though it was him. The chilling grin and terrifying presence was telling me that it was him. "Why don't we call it a day and go home, yeah?" Felix took hold of my other hand, pulling the three of us outside the mall. That man watched us leave, the grin never leaving his face.

"Baby, are you okay?" Chan questioned softly as we got into his car. I could only nod, slight fear overcoming my body. He didn't ask any further questions, just drove us home to Hyunjin's house. "What if he follows us?" Felix sounded worried and almost scared. I know he's not afraid of Raein, quite the opposite. He's more afraid for my safety. "I'm going to call the guys as soon as we get home. He can't get in if we're all there." "How can you be so sure?" I turned in my seat, smiling softly at my best friend.

"Lixie, it'll be okay. He's right. Raein won't try anything if everybody's there. He doesn't like to be outnumbered." Felix could only nod as he slumped back into his seat, worry written across his face as he stared out the window. I hope Chan's right. I hope Raein wouldn't dare come inside because of being outnumbered. He's never liked to be outnumbered or threatened by the power of others, so maybe everybody being there will work in our favor. And if not, at least I'll have those close to me to try and keep me safe and comfort me throughout the night.

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