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Chan's P.O.V

Jeongin and Jisung were giggling as they looked at pet gear, Jisung occasionally running over to Minho to hand him something to hold. Minho and I were leaning up against a wall in the store, just watching the two. The others were next door looking at shoes. "You know, I'm so mad that Jisung is getting-" "You mean you're getting." I chuckled, to which he only sighed, nodding, knowing damn well that he'll buy Jisung whatever he wants. "I'm honestly looking forward to seeing him in some of this stuff but-" He held up one of the items, which just so happened to be a leash. Minho slowly turned to look at me, his face straight and his eyes on fire. "Why." I couldn't help but laugh at the younger. He seems so defeated.

"Daddy, Daddy." Jeongin ran up to me, smiling ear to ear while his eyes shimmered with glee. "Yes, Baby Boy?" He blushed softly before continuing, "Can I-" I held my hand up, silencing the younger. He's still so good at that. "Get whatever your little heart desires, Baby. You don't have to ask, just choose the items you want." "But-" "Did I stutter, Little One?" He shook his head, running back to Jisung. "Little One?" Minho questioned, grinning slightly. "Is that like a nasty pet name?" I laughed, shaking my head, "No, it's just a warning to him that he's stepping on thin ice." He nodded, making an 'o' with his mouth. "Why is he stepping on thin ice? If I may ask." "He's been very...brave these past couple of days." He nodded once again, not questioning any further.

Jisung and Jeongin finally felt like they were done shopping, allowing Minho and I to buy their new accessories. As I was checking out Jeongin's items, I couldn't help but notice how he had picked out quite a few collars. I decided to not question it in front of others just in case he didn't want to share why. As we walked out of the store, Jisung couldn't help but squeal with excitement. "I almost don't even want to wait to-" "You are going to wait until we get home because so help me god if you put any of that on right now-" "Minho." I chuckled, interrupting him. "Chill." Minho sighed, running his hand down his face before walking off. Jisung smiled at Jeongin and I before stating, "Thank you for showing me this store!" The younger ran off, trying to catch up to his boyfriend.

"Daddy?" "Yes, Baby Boy?" His cheeks flushed pink as he looked down at his feet while we walked. "Am I allowed to wear one of my new collars?" "Mmm I don't know about that one, Little One. You've been pretty bad today." Jeongin abruptly stopped walking, a huge pout evident on his face. "I haven't been bad. Aside from this morning...And maybe wearing fishnets wasn't with good intentions..." He scratched his head, turning away. I could only smile at him. "You can wear one of your new collars if," I started, catching his attention. "You give me a kiss."

He smiled as he walked closer, stopping in front of me. As he wrapped his arms around my neck, he leaned in and placed his lips onto mine. I placed my free hand on his cheek, melting into the kiss. His lips always seem to mold perfectly with mine. We broke the kiss, gazing into each other's eyes for a moment. "You do look hot in those fishnets." Jeongin slapped my arm playfully, only making me laugh. "Which collar do you want to wear, Baby?" I opened the bag, allowing him to pull one out. I wasn't expecting him to pull out a leather collar with an o-ring, though. I was expecting a simple one, maybe pastel. He looked into my eyes, handing me the collar. Understanding what he wants, I set the bag down, motioning for him to turn around. I could notice that the guys were walking towards us out of the corner of my eye but I didn't care.

I placed the collar around his neck, securing the buckle, before turning him back around. His eyes sparkled with lust as he gazed into mine. I was so engulfed in his eyes that I didn't notice the guys stop in their tracks as they reached us, just watching us. Felix coughed, causing both Jeongin and I to look at him. "There is so much sexual tension right now." Seungmin spoke as he walked up to Jeongin, taking hold of his hand. "We're going to get ice cream. Come on Felix." As the three of them walked off, Hyunjin approached me, sighing over dramatically. "Why is he so fine?" I chuckled at the younger, picking Jeongin's bag up off of the floor and began walking towards the food court. "Let's go get some chicken, guys." "Yeah!" Woojin cheered, running to catch up with me.


It's nearing eight o'clock at night. The guys all went home after the mall, leaving Hyunjin, Felix, Jeongin, and I together once again. Seungmin told Jeongin and Felix that he would try to come visit within the next couple of days, which made Hyunjin very excited. Felix retired to bed, still very exhausted from last night's activities. Hyunjin decided to hide in the fort and watch movies, leaving Jeongin and I alone in our room. Jeongin is currently sitting at the end of the bed, sorting out his box with his new accessories while humming happily. I was laying on our bed, trying to read my book, but I was too focused on the younger in front of me. He's still in his outfit from earlier, which is killing me. The o-ring on his collar sways back and forth as he moves and it's really distracting.

Jeongin suddenly pulls out a long, dark, fluffy tail, really catching my eye. "Whoa whoa whoa. Where did that come from?" His eyes went wide as he looked between the tail and I, "I got it from the store?" Did he? "I don't remember that. I thought you only had your little cat tail." His cheeks flushed as he shook his head, lowering the tail onto his lap. "This one looked really pretty...It was in this box." He handed me the box and I instantly felt stupid. I guess I was just too engulfed in the collars that I didn't notice a tail in the pile.

Jeongin looked between the tail and I once more, a glimmer in his eyes. "You are not wearing that right now." "But why not?" He whined, putting on his best pouty face. Not gonna lie, it gets me every time. "Because it's late." Good one, Chan. "No it's not. And besides, you've let me wear my other tail and ears way later than it is now." Damn. He's good. Jeongin grinned, "Daddy doesn't want to get excited." I narrowed my eyes towards the younger. "Don't start getting cocky, Little One. I've had just about enough of your attitude." "What are you gonna do? Punish me?"

He's really asking for it. Okay. If he wants to play this game, we can play this game. "Put it in. See what happens." The younger thought for a second, probably weighing his options, before placing the tail inside of his box. Good choice. "Good boy. You made a wise decision." Jeongin's cheeks flushed pink once more as he looked away. "Baby, come here." He did as told, crawling onto my lap. Resting my hands on his waist, I smiled softly at him. "You know, I think it's time we address your little affirmation kink." "I don't know what you're talking about." I grinned, beginning to slowly rub circles onto his sides. "Okay. Then let's talk about all of your little kinks." Jeongin pouted, "But then you'll use them against me." I could only nod at his response. He's not lying, I probably will. "Come on~ Remember, I told you that you could tell Daddy anything." He thought for a second before nodding, looking down at his lap.

"I guess I do have a small affirmation kink..." He mumbled, beginning to play with the hem of my shirt. "And you already know about my...liking of being choked..." I hummed, glancing at his neck, thinking about the way his face looks whenever my hand is around his throat. "And you kinda know about the rope one...I also have a...uh..." His cheeks flushed pink and it was honestly so cute. "You have a what, Baby?" I lifted his chin up, making him look at me. He didn't say anything, he just gazed into my eyes. I mirrored his actions, mesmerized by how his eyes seemed to darken the longer he gazed into mine. "A hand fetish..." He whispered, catching me off guard. A hand fetish? What's so special about hands?

"Why do you have a fetish for hands, Baby Boy? What's so attractive about hands?" The younger reached up, taking hold of my hand. He began tracing my veins before tracing along my fingers. "What's not to love? Especially about yours, Daddy." He glanced up to look me in the eyes before averting his attention back to my hand. "Your hands are so big, so strong. I love the way your veins pop out whenever you strain or grab something...I can only imagine how they look when they're wrapped around my throat."

I'm at a loss for words. That was so hot. I quickly flipped us over so that Jeongin was lying on the bed while I hovered over him. The younger let out a small squeal in the process. "You're going to be the death of me, Baby Boy." The younger nodded, a sly grin playing at his lips as he wrapped his arms around my neck. "I know, Daddy."

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