"Destiny,what are you upto?"

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10yrs later:
"Omg,it's 9.10am already!!"
I panicked as my alarm reminded me that I'm late for the hospital.

Yeah,I graduated from the Seoul Medical Institution 3months ago.Now I'm doing internship there as an M.B.B.S doctor. My dream of being a doctor finally came true after so much hardships.
OK,ok..I'm getting late .I'll tell you later how I ended up here okay?
I'm heading to the hospital to get scolded by my seniors which is about 30mins away from my dorm.I have my apron folded in my arms as I got no time to put it on ...I'm dead today!!
After like a long 40mins ,I reached at my destination fully prepared to face the worst day of my life.
I stepped out of the cab to rush to the cabin holding my heart in my hands.But the entrance was so crowded with people mostly of reporters,asking about someone's condition. It seems there might be a VIP patient here.Great now ,say goodbye to my soul!!
"Gosh,this VIPs!" I sighed.
After trying heart & soul ,I could finally get inside the hospital through the crowd that added more 10mins to my late list.

I entered my cabin & put on the apron .I was about to check my schedule for the day when I got startled by a tap on my shoulder.
"Yaa,Miss Y/N ..you're 30mins late!! Don't you think, you deserve some punishment?"
As I opened my mouth to defend ,there I felt a pair of lips on my left cheek.
"Yaaaaaa..Kim Taehyung!" I smacked his head.
"Aaaaahhh...Y/N ,it hurts!"
"Good for you!" I smiled flicking his forehead.
On this he showed me his famous boxy smile which can be the compensation for even a murder!!
Yeah,yeah..you guessed it right. It's the same kim Tahyung that had been my best friend from school days.He helped me a lot with my studies & we got admission into the medical college together. Sometimes, he's more like a shelter who helped me to move on from that cute lil bun.. Nevermind!!
At my biggest surprise, I saw that I was assigned for the VIP ward that day.
"Waaahhh..jinjjaah!!" I knew it
I saw it coming as it was supposed to be my worst day.

I hurried to the VIP ward to attend an emergency case followed by two nurses.There I saw some extremely handsome men standing outside the door.They looked familiar ..I wondered.
Without wasting another min on checking the men ,I entered into the room after being greeted by the men who could've taken my breath away with their looks ,only if I wasn't in emergency !! Sigh!!

Hyunnnnggg..it hurts!" I was welcomed by the groan .
I approached near ..only to meet the most renowned pair of eyes with a drawn drawn above. Those eyes that my eyes were yearning for ages.

"J-jung-kook....!" I stuttered silently but loud enough to be heard by the nurses.

"Yes,ma'am. He's the idol Jeon jungkook ,the golden maknae of BTS. So freaking hottt....!"the nurses were clearly drooling over him .
I cleared my throat & fortunately they came back to their senses.

" What's the case?"I asked .
"Oh..he tripped on a hole on the stage that we didn't notice." One of the men replied with a defined worry on his face.

"My leg hurts so muuuchh!" That jeon hott jung...i mean jungkook stated groaning.
"OK lemme see first." I went near him & examined his right leg which was swollen with some shallow cuts here & there.
I asked the nurses to do dressing & put band aid on the cuts..& prepare an x- ray report in case his bone is fractured.

"Don't worry it doesn't seem that bad.I think you just got a cramp here.Let the x-ray report come ..that'll be a confirmation." I assured my patient ignoring his eye contact.
I can't let my buried feeling come between my professionalism you know!
After prescribing some painkillers & medicine, i went out to check other patient.
Coming out of the lion's cave ,I let out a long breath that I was holding for like yrs. My heart felt like squized inside the ribcage with an agonizing pain

"Lord what do you want?"

"Destiny,what are you up to?"

Ahh finally...!! So how you guys felt meeting bunny again? Lemme know in the comment section & also do your predictions.. I'd love to read em.& yes don't forget to leave a vote..thank you so much guys!

thank you so much guys!

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