My Names Jeff ✔️

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Everly's Pov


Why the hell does my head hurt like this? It feels like I'm having period cramps but only this time it's in my head.

My head feels as if it's way too heavy for my body and will somehow get detached from my spine at any given moment.

Was I drunk?

I wasn't high that's for sure.

I lean my head further back expecting for it to be pushed further into my pillows but no pillow comes in contact with my head.

That's weird.

All of the sudden all the events from what happened come barging back into my head. Me nervously eating a tuna sandwich while waiting for Liam to come back from his enoucnter with his mom. Bob ringing up and telling me that Justin is at the gate. Me freaking out because I thought Justin was going to claim for custody and letting him in. Justin coming into the house and asking to see Chicka. Me on my way to go fetch Chicka but am stopped when I feel a gun being pressed into my lower back. Justin beginning to explain why he was really there. Me having to go fetch Chicka to prevent Justin from shooting my brains out and then me leaving with Chicka in my arms.

That son of a bitch I think as I slowly open my eyes.

I only remeber riding with Justin in his car and him injecting me with something just before we left town. I was slowly beginning to fall asleep. Lucky for me Chicka was attached to me because of the baby-strap-carrier that I quickly grabbed before we left.

The first thing that comes to my view is a man. Not just any man. No. But like a really buff guy. Like Dwayne Johnson kind of buff. Yikes.

" My boobs hurt." is the first thing that leave my mouth.

Seriously your boobs hurt? That's your first thought? Not ' where is my daughter?' but my boobs hurt my conscience accuses me.

The buff guys doesn't react to my random statement.

" Where are we? " I ask as I look around my unfamiliar surroundings.

I was seated in a chair with a rope tying my arms together and a rope tying my feet together. Real original kidnap scene. Note to sarcasm.

" In a room." the buff guy replies.

I don't like calling him 'buff guy' so let's go with Jeff. My names Jeff, not now conscience.

"Where is the room?" I ask Jeff.

Jeff doesn't move a muscle. Damn I wonder if he can move his neck at all. He's basically like a brick wall. I wonder if he wil move even the slightest if I try and tackle him? Or maybe even tickle?

" In a house." Jeff answers.

Seriously. Is this guy being for real now?

" And where is this house?" I keep on asking Jeff.

" In a neighborhood." he replies in monotone.

I roll my eyes. Touché.

" I like your attitude." I shrug.

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