Pool House ✔️

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Everly's Pov

It takes a minute for me to register what just happened. We are under attack. Damn you stubbornness for getting me into this situation.

I look over to where the explosion came from. Smoke everywhere. Thank God Stella left with Chicka. How could I be this stupid?!

" Everly run!" Liam yells as he starts pulling me towards a car.

I don't have the guts to say no so I run after him. I'm out of breath when I reach the car. I quickly jump in as does Liam. He immediately starts the car and drives off to the main gate.

We arrive at the gate in a matter of seconds. Just as I thought we are lucky enough to escape, we are stopped by more than a dozen cars in front of us. Definitely not Liam's gang.

I see Liam's face go pale as he tries to think of what to do next. That is quickly interrupted by incoming gun shots. Liam immediately pushes my head down and his as well so that the bullets won't hit us. I hear the glass from the window shatter. I definitely have a few cuts now. When the bullets stop Liam quickly looks up.

" JUMP OUT OF THE CAR" he yells.

I jump as fast as I can. My body smashes into the concrete and I groan in pain. Before I could register what's going on the car explodes. I'm pushed further away from the car due to the force. All sounds immediately dies out as I cry in pain. Damn you weak ass body. I quickly get up and run as fast as I can to a hiding spot. I know it's stupid to run back near the house but it's better than me facing dozen of men at the gate.

" THIS WAY!" I hear Liam yell after me.

I stop dead in my tracks and start to run in his direction. He waits for me to catch up when he grabs my hand and pulls me in the direction of the backyard. I'm about to argue that it's where the explosion happened before I'm pulled into the pool house. Makes sense.

" Stay here." Liam says calmly. How is he not out of breath? I'm dying from the lack of oxygen in my lungs.

Liam heads for the door. I grab his hand to stop him.

" Please try not to get killed." I try to say above the noise.

I see a flash of emotion in his eyes before he pulls me in and kisses me. The kiss didn't last long enough for me to savor it but damn it feels nice to have his lips on mine.

" I love you." he says before he dissappeares out of the door.

My knees feel like they are going to give out at any minute now. Not from his confession but from how unfit I am. I really shouldn't have skipped so many gym-days.

Liam said he loved me. Liam Wells confessed that he loved me. Well he did almost say it on the night of his birthday but I cut him off. I can't believe he said he loves me and then went out into the gun fight. I'm seriously going to be pissed if something happens to him out there. What if he didn't mean it? Shut up and hide my conscience scolds.

I sit down on the floor with my hands covering my ears. I hate the sound of gunshots. It takes me back to the night of the party where I first witnessed Liam shooting a guy. I was scared but somehow I felt safe in his arms when he carried me to his car. Even though I was passed out. Ever since that day I have dreaded the sound of gunshots because it reminds me just how messed up the gang life can get.

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