Baby Kicks And Back Pains ✔️

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Everly's Pov



No. I'm so not busy jumping on a 5 star hotel bed. Definitely not. Note to my sarcasm.

Of course I am! Can you blame me? It's always been one of the things to do on my bucket list : jumping on a hotel bed while singing the lyrics of the most common songs.

Task accomplished.

A knock from the door makes me forget the upcoming lyrics. Fuck. That was my jam.

" Coming!" I turn down the music a little bit and quickly tie a robe around me. Yes, I was wearing my pj's. No judgment.

" Is the chicken okay?" a very concerned Liam asks.

" What?" I ask utterly confused as I look around for the chicken Liam was talking about.

" It sounded like a chicken was giving birth to an eagle in here." he laughs.

" Fuck you." I try and slam the door close but of course Liam is one step ahead of me. With his foot blocking the door he easily slips into the room.

I'm hurt. A little offended as well. I know I'm not a great singer but don't compare me to a chicken giving birth. That's just cruel.

" Hey beautiful." Liam leans in and kisses me softly against the cheek.

Cue the heat sprinting to my cheeks. I don't know what it is with Liam these days. I thought that after I rejected him he would've given up.

" Hey... Cowboy." I awkwardly greet Liam.

Cowboy. Really Everly. Again. When are you going to stop being so weird around him? He's just a boy.

Before Liam can respond to my ridiculous nickname, I cry out in pain as a strong bolt of pain shoots down my lower back.

" Everly! What's wrong?" Liam nearly jumps on me as he tries to help me stand straight. He leads me back to the bed.

Yeah... I probably shouldn't have jumped on the bed 5 months into my pregnancy.

" Do you need a doctor? Ice? A hot bath? Drugs? Choclate?! "

" I NEED YOU TO SHUT UP!" I freak.

Oh no.

Liam's eyes grow big. His lips part a little and his eyebrows almost reaches his hairline.

" Liam... I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry." I quickly apologize. Gosh I really do feel bad.

" We have a beast that's on its period and a pregnant girl that's over emotional. Welcome to England Liam. Welcome." Liam talks to himself.

" Uhm excuse me. I am so not over emotional. I just- oh my God!"

"What?!?!" Liam freaks out.

" The baby. She just kicked! " I freak out as well.

Feeling her kick inside of me has probably been the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. To know she's full of energy and ready to face the world with me by her side makes me feel so complete. She kicked. I can't believe she kicked.

" What where? I wanna feel!" Liam immediately unties my robe, much to my desmay, and lifts up my tank top to reveal my bump. His cold hands immediately meets the warmth of my skin and leaves me with goosebumps.

" Liam your hands are cold!" I scold him and push his hands away.

That doesn't stop him from rubbing his hands together for some extra heat and then placing them back on my belly. I can't help but laugh. He really wants to feel the kick. This it too cute.

" Why isn't she kicking? " he asks concerned.

" Maybe she has stage fright?" I shrug.

Liam removes his hands from my belly and pulls my tank top over it again.

" I'm not done with you." he points to my belly.

I can't help but laugh. He surely is something amazing.

" Ready to get some breakfast? " he asks after a few seconds of silence.

" I thought you'd never ask." I say getting up and heading over to my bathroom to get changed.

London is a cold place and lucky for me, I packed a lot of winter clothes in. It's strange to think that they consider this time of year as the warmer times while it's still freezing outside.

Pulling on some black leggings and an over sized hoodie , I slip on some boots and a beanie. Just because I have a bad hair day doesn't mean everyone needs to see it.

Walking out of the bathroom I catch Liam stretching his arms above his head. The actions makes his shirt lift up, exposing a very muscular lower back. The things I would do to- keep it pg13 Everly.

" Enjoying the view?" he chuckles as he takes his time to look me up and down.

I didn't even realize that Liam turned around and is now smirking at me. He clearly finds it amusing watching me basically drool over his body.

" There's a lot more where that came from." he walks closer to me, still wearing the damn smirk.

Oh for the love of God.

" P-pizza sounds a-amazing. Yeah?" not waiting for his response I turn around and sprint for the door. My back pain makes it a little more difficult.

Not looking back I make my way to the dining area. Only the heavens will know how I made it there. I see Stella flirting with one of the waitresses and decide to make my presence known.

" Hey Stella." I smile.

" Everly! Love the outfit." she says enthusiastically.

I don't think I've ever seen Stella this happy. It's either the period or England is just that good.

We both walk over to the buffet and start digging into the mountains of food. I seriously wouldn't mind living here forever. Man this place is good.

" Easy on the pancakes Stella." I hear Lucas comment next to Stella.

" Hay, do you wanna see all the ways I can fit a fork into a human body?" Stella questions excitedly.

Lucas's face goes pale. Mine as well. Wow this girl is vicious. I think I've found my new best friend.

Lucas dissappears without another word and Stella continues on stacking her pancakes.

" Men. " she rolls her eyes and starts digging into a pile of waffles.

I look over to Liam. He's talking to Chase about something. They both are laughing hysterically. I wonder what they are talking about.

" Tell me about it."


What. Another chapter? For my lovely readers? Well of course ❤️

Guys we are almost at 1k!!!! Ahhh I can't belive it!!!! Thank you all so much for all your support. It really helps a lot❤️

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