What A Bitch ✔️

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Liam's Pov

Being a gang leader is hard but it definitely has it's perks. One of them being that I have my own private jet.

" This is Suzi." I say loud and proud when reaching the jet that I'm proud to call mine.

Suzi is breathtakingly beautiful. As white as snow she still gives off a warm feeling. The black stripes painted at the near bottom are my art work. I have a similar tattoo on my bicep. The two black stripes are a symbol of mourn. Usually when a loved one has passed, and it seemed like a great idea to get the tattoo and spray paint it on Suzi.

" You named your jet Suzi?" A very surprised Everly questions.

Yes, I did name her Suzi. I don't know about you but the name Suzi kind of reminds me of a grandma and a grandma always has cookies and milk. That warm feeling is what I was aiming for. So Suzi did the job. Of course I never told one of the guys the reason behind the name because it's not a very manly sort of thing.

" Yes I did." I answer Everly and walk over to one of the flight attendants. She greets me with a warm smile and leads me into the jet with the rest of the inner-circle following. I tried to bribe Lucas to stay behind because I need an extra eye here but he didn't want to hear it. Not even when I tried to bribe him with girls. The man loves traveling.

When everyone is seated I notice that Everly isn't inside the jet. Walking towards the exit I see her standing still in front of the jet with a terrified expression.

" You coming love?" I ask trying to hide my amused expression.

Everly's eyes grow wide and I can see her struggling to swallow.

She's scared. It's adorable.

" I-I uh y-yeah." Everly stutters while trying to move forward. She doesn't budge.

Resisting the urge to laugh I walk down the steps towards the terrified girl.

" You okay there?" I ask with a huge grin.

" Oh will you shut it. I'm terrified of planes and I'm even more terrified of jets. Not that I have been in one but it's quite similar to a plane and planes crash and I'm -"

" I'll keep you safe. I promise." I cut her off from her rambling.

" How can you keep me safe when we're thousands of feet in the clouds? Oh God we're not going to make it. We're going to die. " she rambles.

I've noticed that when Everly is uncomfortable she starts to ramble or that when she's upset she'll try and avoid you till she feels like talking again. Typical woman language.

She exhales and I lock my hand with her shaking one. She looks down at our intertwined hands and smiles. I take the lead and walk us back up the stairs and into the jet.

We take our seats next to each other. Stella is busy typing away on her phone at a fast speed while trying to ignore Ryan, who is sitting next to her, at all costs. The poor kid.

Chase is sitting in the seat in front of their's with his signature bored expression while Lucas is trying to make conversation with Chase who is less than interested.

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