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Everly's Pov

" Diapers?"

" Check."

" Blankets?"

" Check."

" Bottles?"

" Check."

" Non-pregnant Everly?"


" Yes Blake, check." I laugh.

I watch as Blake's eyes moves up from his clipboard to look at mine. He was kind enough to put a list of things I'll need for the flight together. Except he doesn't know how to be serious at times.

I'm flying with a new born so it's a little more tricky than when I was pregnant. I have to make sure I have everything she might need on the trip there. It is a few hours that we'll be up in the sky and a crying baby is the last thing that I need.

I'm so tired.

I can't remeber the last time I slept peacefully. I'm not complaining I'm just really tired. Being a new mom is tiring but it's also the most beautiful thing I have witnessed in my entire life. I love waking up and feeling excited about holding her in my arms. I love the way her eyes lock on mine and the way her little hand wraps around my finger. I love her.

" I'm just making sure." Blake laughs.

He picks up a few bags while I hold Chicka in my arms. She's sleeping. Shocking I know. Stella comes into the room with her phone pressed against her ear.

" The jet is ready to leave." she mouthes.

Liam's jet is still here from when Chase dropped by. I assume Chase is still somewhere in London seeing as he didn't take off with the jet. Stella manged to arrange a flight back to America without Liam's permission. She agrees with me that Liam would've probably demanded us to stay here and arrange for his jet to be taken away or something like that. Only reason why Stella decided to go behind her brother's back is probably because she's home sick as well. I offered her to move in with me if Liam decides to kick her out as a joke but then I realized that it is something Liam would do.

Stella ticks on her watch while continuing to talk on her phone. Guess it's time to go.

I nod and look back at Blake. My heart breaks at the sight of him. This man has helped me through a lot. I met him when I had no where else to go. When I felt so lonley that I didn't know if I would see tomorrow. He helped me through it all. Gave me a place to stay and accepted the emotional baggage that came with me. Even the danger. I still wonder how he was so calm through it all. Although he was distant the last few weeks I understood that he has things going on and that's why I'm not upset that he won't be joining me in America. Doesn't mean I'm not going to miss him. I already miss him and I haven't even left.

" No soppy goodbyes young lady. I'll see you in a few weeks." he jokes.

He knows me too well.

" I'm just - just urgg I'm going to miss you so much Blake." I say.

Blake walks over to me. I hand Chicka to Stella and immediately wrap my arms around Blake's waist.

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