Little Kingdom ✔️

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Everly's Pov

" You wake her up."

" No you wake her up!"

" You want a death sentence right?"

" She's harmless guys. What can she possibly do?"

" She's pregnant."

" Oh... Yeah you should definitely wake her up then."

Why is the universe against me today? First I almost died and now it's taking away my precious beauty sleep. Not that the beauty has done its job but I'm getting there okay.

" You guys have three seconds to dissappear before I rip your balls off and feed it to you through your nostrils. Okay?" I say in my sleepy condition.

" She can't be serious."

Oh I'm serious.

Before I can respond a shiver goes down my spine. Why is it so cold? I open my eyes. I'm still in the jet. Liam, Lucas and Chase are standing in front of me. Stella and Ryan are no where in sight. Maybe Stella went to murder a tiger in the woods and dragged Ryan with or something. You know how girls are when they are on their period.

" Why is it so cold?" I wrap my arms around my body.

" Welcome to England cupcake." Lucas says in a very English accent.

What the what.

" Hold on. Recap. Ireland?" I ask confused.

" Well I figured that there is no point in going to Ireland if my uncle already knows where we are headed. So why not make a turn and go to England? " Liam explains.

" How long was I out for?" I ask in complete shock. I've never slept so good in my entire life.

" About 5 hours. " Liam answers.

I look up to Chase. I had no idea what was going on around me for a solid 5 hours. Hell, I didn't even know we switched countries in the meanwhile.

" That's some strong shit." I nod towards Chase.

He can't help but smile.

Oh well. England can't be that bad.

" Well what are we waiting for? Let's get this party started!" Stella yells from the back of the jet and stumbles down over absolutely nothing.

" Chase, what did you give her?" I question. Of course Chase is behind this.

" Just something light to calm down the pain. " he shrugs.

Yeah right.

Sleeping pills are supposed to help you sleep not wipe you out for hell knows how long. Poor Stella.

Ryan soon follows after Stella with a bottle of expensive champagne.

I'm not even surprised.

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