Another Letter ✔️

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Everly's Pov

I've gotten another letter. Not just a regular letter. No. Another letter. Another threatening letter but this time, I'm not the one being threatened. Chicka is.

Only 3 months to go Everly. I hope you are ready. I know I am.
~ you know who

The letter immediately sent shivers down my spine. Yes, it has been a month since we moved to England. Since then we have moved out of the hotel that I liked to call my little Kingdom, much to my dismay, and into a beautiful mansion.

Of course it was a mansion. I'm not even surprised. But I am surprised that Liam could manage to get a house that fast.

Liam had sent Lucas back to New York so that Ryan could stay with us seeing he's not too keen on the idea to go back home. Apparently Liam has more plans with Ryan than Lucas at the moment. Plans I definitely do not want to know about. Why does this sound dirty?

Stella is slowly but surely breaking down her walls when I'm around. We've had a few sleepovers these past couple of weeks, even though we live in the same house. She's actually not that bad once you get to know her.

Chase has also been warming up to me. We have our random coffee dates in the kitchen where we'll constantly talk for hours about anything that comes to mind.

Liam is his flirty self as always. Chicka has kicked for him a few times now and every time she kicks his hand, he gets excited all over again. He would stand up and freak out and then pull me into a tight hug. It's cute. I know.

I even found out that I was graduating in a weeks time seeing as I've been busy with home schooling these last few weeks. I'm not giving up my education just because some pshyco path want me dead. I had begged Liam for the past 3 days to let us take the jet back home just for the graduation. He finally agreed. Untill I got the letter this morning.

" There is no way I'm letting you get on that jet and fly back home. No way." Liam argues.

" But Liam. It's my graduation!" I argue back. We'll only be there for a day at the most. Is it really that much of a risk?

" It's mine as well Everly. We are not going. That's final." he continues.

I guess he has a point. It'll be too unsafe for us to go back in all this madness. I guess it's just another sacrifice that I'll have to make.

" What are we going to do about the letter? " I ask looking down at the pale white paper with blood-red letters printed on it. Seriously who the hell signs a letter 'you know who'?

" I don't know love. I don't know." Liam answers exhausted. His accent has been thickening since we got back. It's really hot.

I can understand why he must feel exhausted. We had to move to another country to avoid this for crying out loud. Still his dick of an uncle made it his life's mission to find us.

" He threatened Chicka Liam. I can't just sit back and stay calm."

" I know Everly!" he snaps.

His sudden outburst took me by surprise. He really is frustrated. I am too but you don't see me freaking out.

" Okay." I pick the letter up and head back upstairs into my room.

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