Cheesecake ✔️

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He took my passport.

He actually had the nerve to take my passport.

I was busy packing to fly back home when I realized that I have no idea what so ever where my passport is. I've been searching for the past 2 hours for the damn thing. The only conclusion I have is that Liam fucking Wells was thinking ahead for once in his life and took my passport with him.

Well played Liam, well played.

" Stella open up!" I yell banging on her door for the seventh time.

No response.

Where the hell is she?

I stumble back to my room. Today is really not my day. First Liam takes my passport then Stella goes MIA and now I'm craving chocolate cheesecake. Gosh this pregnancy feels like a never ending period ride.

Once I get to my room I decide that one piece of cheesecake won't do any harm. I already look like a whale so I might as well eat like a whale. Grabbing my purse I head down to the front door.

Before getting into the Uber that's waiting for me, I step on a piece of gum.

" You've got to be kidding me."

The Uber driver doesn't make an effort to small talk so I just sit quietly untill we get to the same mall from yesterday.

It starts raining just as I get out from the car. This day seriously has something against me surviving.

I quickly dodge a few cars to get inside the building. I start looking around for coffee shops. There are a lot of them but I'm looking for the one where I was at yesterday. I had eyed that cheesecake the moment I stepped inside.

Walking around, still on the search for the coffee shop, I go into a few shops. I bought a few baby outfits with the card Liam gave me when we arrived in London a few weeks ago. It was actually the first time buying anything for Chicka now that I think of it. I'm giving her up for adoption so it isn't really necessary for me to buy her clothes. I'm sure her new family will spoil her rotten.

I only have three months left before Chicka makes her arrival and I haven't even found the right parents for her. I haven't even signed forms or talked to Liam about any of this... Well it really doesn't matter if I try to talk to him about it because he isn't answering any of my messages or emails.

Feeling relieved once I see the coffee shop, I immediately head inside and towards the cake display.

No cheesecake. I see no cheesecake. I repeat, no cheesecake.

" Uh excuse me but do you happen to have any cheesecake left?" I ask a waiter passing by.

" No mam. We just sold the last piece to the nice lady over there." the waiter smiles and points over to an old lady in the corner, enjoying a very delicious looking piece of cheesecake.

My cheesecake.

" You little bi-"

" Everly?" I turn around as I hear my name.

" Jake? " I notice the flirty guy from yesterday.

" It's Blake." he smiles.

" What's your point?" damn even I think that was a little harsh.

Jake - I mean Blake looks a little offended but quickly brushes it off.

" You never called me." he looks disappointed.

" You actually won't believe it but I lost my phone... Again. Stupid me ha-ha. " I try not to sound nervous.

" Your phone is in your hand." he replies.

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