Chapter 1

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PPlease please...please set me free-e," Willow begged and begged, Her hands connected and praying her crushed heart out to anyone with a higher power, to set her soul free and to end her suffering.

Willow was hunched over and rocking backwards and forwards numbly, it used to be the coat closet, but now it was the space they shoved Willow in to forget her.

Her parents never thought she was worthy of her own room.

The conditions of the only home she has ever known were vile, and the small house was crumbling at the seams.

Her parents hadn't done a spec of housework since they brought the place, the house was hoarded with rubbish, faecal matter from rodents and cracks in the walls from their constant shouting.

Willow spent the majority of the day in the closet the size of a toilet; it was the only space that she could unravel and break apart without being kicked, spat at or hit.

Her patents brought Willow into the world at a very young age, the responsibility of bringing up a child before the age of sixteen was a considerable pressure that none of them could handle.

Willow stood between them and their freedom, and that is all they saw ever since her eyes popped open and screamed her little heart out. She was only a burden, a nuisance and a constant reminder of their lives falling apart.

Mary and Darren Brown were never meant to be parents; the maternal instincts were never in their DNA.

Once they could no longer party and be a part of the popular crowd they used to be, they turned to bicker at each other and to abuse alcohol and substances to fuel the fire; it was a nasty concoction and Willow was victim to it every day of her life.

Willow had never gone a day without seeing her pale white skin littered with bruises, ranging from every colour of the rainbow.

She had reached her breaking point a long time ago, but now she had a plan, a plan to disappear.





"Stop stop stop-pp." Willow cried into her knees, her hands clutching her ears tight.

However, she could still hear the venom leave her parent's lips, it felt like another beating; only it went straight to her head and caused more damage than any physical punishment ever could.

Being punched and kicked hurt her badly, but words caused a much more profound and rooted pain that takes a lot longer to heal.

Willow's eyes stopped leaking tears, and her body was trembling violently.

"Oh ohh no." Willow croaked out before pushing herself to the corner and vomiting the dirty water and cracker she was allowed in the morning.

She was heaving up food that was not in her stomach, which was causing her distress, her shaky hand clutching her empty stomach and her other arm trying to hold all her weight.

After ten more minutes of dry heaving, Willow collapsed on the hard oak floorboards and tried controlling her breathing, letting her head fall back to take the pressure off.

Although Willow is abused beyond belief, there was still a light in her that refused to go out, giving her the drive to survive and finally escape for good.

Mary and Darren were in the back yard, smoking to their heart's content and drinking away their problems and the existence of their babygirl.

Willow took this chance to find some food and crawl out her little cubby.

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