numero 10

74 3 0

It's been another month...
Another month of annoyance, children, and maybe some love...
Not in that way! Not the one you were thinking!

Not yet...

Well, it also means another month into the new year. Winter is about to end in another month or so. And I'm not ready.
I'm also not ready for another child. I just received the news from my mom who is standing in front of me, in the kitchen.
I couldn't help myself, my emotions room over and I began to cry. I can already feel the stress of that new kid. I can feel the weight being pressed on me, already.

There is only one question I do have...

"How old is it?" I ask through gritted teeth.

Mom has been just staring at me these past few seconds of me crying. She only asked once if I was okay. I didn't answer her. I didn't feel the need to.

"Not an 'it,' Alex. Andrea is 9."

Oh my god.
I began to cry harder.
A nine year old? I've been through 2 kids who were once 9. That age can be one of the worst besides the teen years.

"Alex, what are you crying about? Is it joy?" My mom asks.

I look up at her, I bet my eyes are red, my face red from anger. "Do you really think I am full of joy to know that there will be another kid in this house?"

"Alex, this is your brother we are talking about-"

"I don't- wait...did you just say brother?" I practically yell.

My mom nods. "Yes, your brother," she confirms.

"And his name is Andrea?" I ask totally caught off guard.

"What's so wrong with that? It's an italian name, deal with it." She turns on her heel and walks out the kitchen.

Hell no.

I don't want anymore kids. And the thing is...this new boy won't be the only child coming into the house this year.
Galiana will be bringing home a baby as well. This is all fucking with my head. I can already imagine Galiana's baby's cries. And the running mouth of that boy!

"Excuse me, ma'am! Carmen?!" I yell after her.

My mom stops in her tracks and turns to face me. "I've told you to stop calling me that. What can I help you with?"

"When is this boy coming?" I ask.

"Tomorrow, why?" Her eyebrow raises as if daring me to say something against her new kid's arrival.

I shake my head, disappointed. "Just asking," I mumble.

I sigh hard and head towards the theater. Galiana was sitting in the 3rd row just staring at space. The lights were cut out so she was only sitting in the darkness.

"Did mom tell you already?" She asks. She most likely heard me. I'm telling you, I can't be quiet for shit. Each time I take a step it's like a heavy boot stomping on old wood.

"About Andrea?" I ask.

Galiana nods.

"Yeah," I scoff.

"You don't seem happy," she points out as she places a hand on top of her small belly.

It has only grown a little. It's still not noticeable unless she were to wear something tight enough to show. She can only hide it for so long. In about 2 months she'll definitely be showing and that's when her little secret will have to be spilled.
And it's not my place to tell. But like I told her, I would help her out as much as I can.
So far she has not needed my help but I know she will later on.

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