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You slowly opened your eyes, as though you could feel someone watching you. Turning to your side you saw no one.

Fully opening your eyes you remembered where you were. In Levi's room. After the ball and after you blacked out he took you back to his room.

Looking around the room you couldn't see any sign of life.

"Hello?" You asked as you sat up in his bed. You squinted as the sun from outside made it's way through into the room.

Swinging your legs over the bed you stood, gaining your balance. Your head pounding a bit.

"Your up." Looking to the door you saw Levi leaning on the frame, arms crossed. You smiled slightly just seeing him.

You quickly looked around the room again. "I-I'm going to be late for training!" You quickly ran from Levi's room and into his office.

"Today's a day off you idiot." He said as he watched you run around the room.

You stopped in your tracks and looked his way. "Oh.." Shaking your head you picked up your nearly folded, ripped dress from the side.

"Um..can I give you your shirt back after?" You asked giving him an awkward smile.

He made another 'Tch' sound which you took as a yes. Opening the door you looked around to see if anyone was there.

As soon as everyone was gone you quickly ran to your room. Possibly one of the fastest times you had ever ran, apart from running from Titans.

Immediately slamming the door behind you, you threw the (f/c) dress on the bed.

You looked at yourself in the small mirror you had. Your hair a mess and your body covered by Levi's shirt. Which was surprisingly big on you.

What the hell does Levi see in me?

Unbuttoning Levi's shirt and throwing it on your bed you stepped in the shower.

Whilst in the shower more questions started to crowd your mind.

How is Armin? Does he still like me? What about Eren? Why did Levi all of a sudden say he loved me?

Not knowing the answer to these questions was too frustrating. You needed to know the answers. I suppose this day off could be the right opportunity.

Stepping from the shower and getting changed you heard a knock at the door.

"Yes?" You asked fixing your hair. "It's Erwin." You stopped what you were doing and looked at the closed door.

Walking to the door you sighed before opening it. "Can I help you, Sir?" You asked as if it wasn't awkward.

"I wanted to apologise, what I did last night was unacceptable and inappropriate" looking into his eyes you could tell he was sincerely sorry.

You nodded slightly not knowing what to say. "I'll be in my office as usual if there are any problems" he said as he turned and walked away.

Closing the door you looked outside your window. It was still early and you had the whole day off.

I'll find Armin..

Before leaving you looked back in your room. You noticed Levi's shirt on your bed. Quickly grabbing the shirt, you walked out.

"He's really hurt you know." You paused as you heard someone's voice beside you.


"Yes, I know how you feel about him" Eren stepped in front of you. His hair a mess as he had probably just woken up. "Who's shirt is that?" He asked as he pointed at Levi's white shirt.

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