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"You what?!" You said trying to proses what she had said. "Yes, he..might have strong feelings for you" Hanji explained.

"That's all I can say" she added.

You didn't say a word. How could you? You've just found out that Levi.. Likes you?

"Now, about this plan" Hanji trailed off as you stared into the distance with your imagination.

You started to remember all those small moments with Levi like when you were talking to him in his office and as you said Erwin he immediately changed the subject and when Perta said 'do you?'.

It all made sense.

Does Levi really have feelings towards you?

You defiantly wanted to find out and the Superiors Ball is the perfect opportunity.

"Hanji can you explain again please" you say not hearing what she had said before.

"Ok so, you will be escorted to the ball by horse and carriage, when you get there you will be introduced to the Commander who will take you into the building, then, this is our chance, everyone at the Ball will be drinking and getting drunk so try and get Erwin to have as many drinks as possible then that way he will be easier to persuade-" Hanji rambled on.

"Hanji slow down!" You said cutting her off. "Oh sorry ____, anyway, once he's drunk, you can get friendly and ask him about us going out and capturing more Titans" Hanji finally finishes.

This is mad. Your going to get the Commander drunk all so you can go and get some more Titans.

"But what happens if it doesn't go to plan?" You asked. "We will have to think of something else, I don't want shorty getting in the way" Hanji replied and you couldn't help but stifle a laugh as she said 'shorty'.

"What are you doing shitty-glasses?" You herd that familiar voice deadpan from behind you.

"What do you want shorty?" She asked back, imitating his stoic expression.

Levi paced towards Hanji as you watched his stoic expression turn into a look of annoyance.

He grabs a hold of Hanji's hair pulling her head down to his hight.

"Don't call me that." He said, his face not changing expression. "Tell me what your doing." he ordered as he shoved her head back towards you.

"Sir, we were just talking about the ball" you answered for Hanji as she rubbed the back of her head. Your face was obviously the colour red.

"Tch," he clicked his tongue and looked back at Hanji, waiting for a reply.

"Yeah, we were planning on how we could get the Commander to let us capture more Titans" Hanji answered with that strange gleam in her eyes.

"So you can injure more of my comrades." He stated and turned around so his back was facing you and walked away.

"He's in a bad mood" said Hanji, as you both watched him walk away.

"What are you wearing?" Hanji asked and you raised an eyebrow.

"My unifo-"

"No, to the ball?" She smiled, that creepy smile like she was planning something.

"Oh, well, I don't really have anything" you said, surprised you hadn't thought about this earlier.

"Perfect!" She jumped grabbing a hold of your wrist.

"what-" you started to say as she yanked you.

"I've got the perfect thing!"


You had been dragged to Hanji's room.

Apparently she had a load of dresses that you could try on.

You were sat on her bed, legs crossed as you watched her rummage through her closet.

"This one?" She said pulling out a dull, wooden brown long dress.

"Um..nope" you said hoping she wouldn't make you try that on.

You had no idea Hanji could be like this but maybe it was to make you look more appealing for Erwin.

After a while of Hanji throwing dresses to the side you tilted your head to look in and saw a (f/c) dress that caught your eye.

"Hanji? What's that one?" You asked pointing to the dress.

"Oh this?" She said pulling the dress out from the closet.

It was a long (f/c) dress. Around the neck line were small ruffles with a small bow to hold it in place. Draped over was a black cloak type material that didn't quite reach the floor. It all pulled in until it reached your hips and grew wider until it reached the floor.

All in all, it was a beautiful dress.

"Do you want to try it on?" She asked handing you the dress.

"Yes please" you replied taking the dress and standing up. "You can go in there if you want" she said pointing to a door to another room.

You walked into the other room and started to get changed into the dress.

As you pulled the dress on you couldn't help but notice that it was quite tight around your waist area.

I can still breathe.. You thought as you didn't want to not wear this dress.

"Hanji I'm done!" You shouted as you walked into Hanji's room.

Hanji stood there, she was staring at you, her mouth hung open like she was trying to catch flys.

"What? Does it look bad?!" You asked standing in front of her.

"No, no! You look beautiful!" She said waving her hands in the air. "Really? Thanks!" You said stroking the dress to get rid of the dust that covered it.

"It looks better on you than it ever did on me" She said with her two fingers under her chin as if she was thinking.

"What are you planning?" You asked still standing in the dress. "Well..what if Levi falls for you too.." Her voice trailed off as she was in deep thought.

You laughed a bit at the thought of Levi falling for you. "Hanji, that isn't going to happen" you reassured her.

"Who knows? Your your young, pretty, a soldier on his squad-"

"Shitty-glasses you better be in here!" You herd that voice call from outside the door as he knocked. 

"Levi?" She said as she made her way to the door.

"Hanji I'm not in my uniform!" You whisper-shouted as you watched her open the door.

"Is ____ in here?" Levi asked his voice filled with anger.

"Yes she is-" before Hanji could finish Levi had barged past her into the room.

He looked at you for a moment as you stood there in the (f/c) dress. His eyes traveling from your face to the bottom of your dress but his expression never changed.

You could see Hanji smiling and nodding in the background.

"We are waiting for you at the HQ." He said, his hair neatly fell onto his face. "and get out of that thing." He added.

You quickly nodded and he walked out the room.

"Hm, I wouldn't be so sure" Hanji said as she closed the door.

"..I'm going to get changed" you said walking back into the room next to hers. You pulled the dress down and got changed back into your uniform.

"Looks like they are waiting for me so I'll go now" you spoke still embarrassed about what just happened. "Yes ok, I'll see you tonight!" She declared as you walked out from her room.

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